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Paho MQTT while loop 阻止发布到另一个 MQTT 客户端

[英]Paho MQTT while loop is blocking publish to another MQTT client

My goal is proper handling of MQTT messages on Backend between some modules from IoT.我的目标是在 IoT 的一些模块之间正确处理后端的 MQTT 消息。 I decided to implement module emulator class, which will receive my requests or send response.我决定实现模块模拟器 class,它将接收我的请求或发送响应。

Second problem is, that I need to wait for the module ACK or ERR after publish.第二个问题是,我需要在发布后等待模块 ACK 或 ERR。 For this issue I made ack_blocker list like this:对于这个问题,我制作了这样的 ack_blocker 列表:

        "module_mac": "mac",
        "blocked": False,
        "message": {}
        "module_mac": "mac",
        "blocked": False,
        "message": {}

So when I send message to specific module, blocked attribute will be set to True and I will wait in while loop after publishing message.因此,当我向特定模块发送消息时,blocked 属性将设置为 True,并且在发布消息后我将在 while 循环中等待。 On the other hand my published message should come to my emulator MQTT client, where it will parse data and response ERR or ACK.另一方面,我发布的消息应该到达我的模拟器 MQTT 客户端,在那里它将解析数据并响应 ERR 或 ACK。 On received message back, I will set blocked attribute back to False and loop will be over and return message to backend view with Error or proper message.在收到消息返回时,我会将阻塞属性设置回 False 并且循环将结束并将消息返回到后端视图,并带有错误或正确的消息。

The problem is, that published message from backend will never arrive to emulator MQTT client.问题是,从后端发布的消息永远不会到达模拟器 MQTT 客户端。 IDK why, but in my loop is timeout (10s) and after this time I should throw error that module is not responding. IDK 为什么,但在我的循环中是超时(10 秒),在此之后我应该抛出模块没有响应的错误。 I was debugging whole process very carefully and when backend is going to throw error, my emulator client will finally receive message.我非常仔细地调试整个过程,当后端要抛出错误时,我的模拟器客户端最终会收到消息。 I run that more times and it will happen exactly like that every time.我跑了更多次,每次都会发生这种情况。 So I think that loop is blocking somehow that message sending.因此,我认为该循环以某种方式阻止了该消息的发送。

This is my implementation of loop:这是我的循环实现:

    def send_message(self, mac: str, message: str):
        self.publish(mac, message)
        end_time = time.time() + self.timeout

        while True:
            module_ack_blocker = next(filter(lambda obj: obj.get('module_mac') == mac, self.ack_blocker), None)

            if not module_ack_blocker.get('blocked'):
                response = module_ack_blocker.get('message')

                if response.get('result') == 'OK':
                    logging.getLogger('root_logger').info(f'[MQTT]: ACK Message received.')
                    return response
                elif response.get('result') == 'ERROR':
                    raise MQTTException(response.get('details'), status_code=mqtt_status.MQTT_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)

            if time.time() > end_time:
                raise MQTTException('Module is not responding.', status_code=mqtt_status.MQTT_ERR_UNKNOWN)

So as you see, first I publish message.如您所见,首先我发布消息。 After that i will calculate timeout and loop will start.之后,我将计算超时并开始循环。 In loop I first look at proper dict in list of ack blockers (like I mentioned before).在循环中,我首先在 ack 阻止程序列表中查看正确的 dict(就像我之前提到的那样)。 I will ask if its not blocked.我会问它是否没有被阻止。 And after that if I have still time for timeout.在那之后,如果我还有时间超时。

My mqtt emulator client looks like this:我的 mqtt 模拟器客户端如下所示:

class MqttClientEmulator(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.app = None
        self.broker_host = None
        self.broker_port = None
        self.keep_alive = None
        self.timeout = None

        self.client = mqtt.Client(client_id='brewmaster_client_emulator')

    def init(self, app):
        self.broker_host = os.getenv('BROKER_HOST')
        self.broker_port = int(os.getenv('BROKER_PORT'))
        self.keep_alive = int(os.getenv('MQTT_KEEPALIVE'))
        self.timeout = int(os.getenv('MQTT_TIMEOUT'))
        self.app = app

        self.client.on_message = self.on_message

    def on_message(self, client, userdata, msg):
        topic = msg.topic
        string_message = str(msg.payload.decode('utf-8'))
        dict_message = json.loads(string_message)

        # Request result
        if dict_message.get('device_uuid'):
            response = {
                "module_mac": topic,
                "sequence_number": 123,
                "result": "OK",
                "details": ""
            time.sleep(1)   # Just for time reserve (this code will be more complicated in future)
            self.publish('brewmaster-backend', json.dumps(response))

    def connect(self):
        self.client.connect(self.broker_host, self.broker_port, self.keep_alive)

    def disconnect(self):

    def subscribe(self, name):

    def publish(self, topic, message):
        self.client.publish(topic, message)

I tried threads also and it had also no effect.我也尝试了线程,它也没有效果。

Ok I needed to look deeper to paho MQTT library.好的,我需要更深入地了解 paho MQTT 库。 There is function wait_for_publish for object MQTTMessageInfo. object MQTTMessageInfo 有 function wait_for_publish。 And if you look at _condition object, it is already implemented lock with semaphores.如果你看一下_condition object,它已经用信号量实现了锁。 So all I needed to was change my While loop in my MQTT client's method send_message (as shown in question) to something like this:所以我需要做的就是将我的 MQTT 客户端方法 send_message(如问题所示)中的 While 循环更改为如下所示:

    def send_message(self, mac: str, message: str):
        result = self.publish(mac, message)
        end_time = time.time() + self.timeout

        if result.rc == mqtt.MQTT_ERR_QUEUE_SIZE:
            raise ValueError('Message is not queued due to ERR_QUEUE_SIZE')
        with result._condition:
            while True:
                module_ack_blocker = next(filter(lambda obj: obj.get('module_mac') == mac, self.ack_blocker), None)

                if not module_ack_blocker.get('blocked'):
                    response = module_ack_blocker.get('message')

                    if response.get('result') == 'OK':
                        logging.getLogger('root_logger').info(f'[MQTT]: ACK Message received.')
                        return response
                    elif response.get('result') == 'ERROR':
                        raise MQTTException(response.get('details'), status_code=mqtt_status.MQTT_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED)

                if time.time() > end_time:
                    raise MQTTException('Daný modul neodpovedá.', status_code=mqtt_status.MQTT_ERR_UNKNOWN)

Where result is MQTTMessageInfo object and _condition.wait(1) is waiting with timeout 1second.结果是 MQTTMessageInfo object 并且 _condition.wait(1) 正在等待超时 1 秒。 So basically when is waiting all other processes are working and after 1 second will start another while loop iteration with checking, if message already arrived.所以基本上什么时候等待所有其他进程都在工作,1秒后将开始另一个while循环迭代并检查,如果消息已经到达。

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