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[英]MFC: how to enable page change via mouse wheeling for print preview?

In print preview dialog, I would like to enable page change via mouse wheeling.在打印预览对话框中,我想通过鼠标滚动启用页面更改。 As I am still a beginner for MFC programming, I don't have code to start with.由于我还是 MFC 编程的初学者,我没有代码可以开始。 The closest question I've found is this one (for C#) but no clear answer yet: https://www.codeproject.com/Questions/555242/5bc-23-5dplusprintpreviewdialogplusandplusmousewhe .我发现的最接近的问题是这个(对于 C#),但还没有明确的答案: https://www.codeproject.com/Questions/555242/5bc-23-5dplusprintpreviewdialogplusandplusmousewhe

If you are using MFC's CPreviewView class, then you can derive a custom class from that, in which you can override the OnMouseWheel member.如果您使用的是 MFC 的CPreviewView class,那么您可以从中派生一个自定义的 class,您可以在其中覆盖OnMouseWheel成员。 In your override, you would call the OnVScroll handler to shift up or down, as though you had clicked on the up/down arrows of the scrollbar:在您的覆盖中,您将调用OnVScroll处理程序向上或向下移动,就像您单击了滚动条的向上/向下箭头一样:

BOOL MyPreviewView::OnMouseWheel(UINT /*flags*/, short delta, CPoint /*point*/)
    OnVScroll(UINT((delta < 0) ? SB_LINEDOWN : SB_LINEUP), 0, nullptr);
    return TRUE;

Also, you need to add ON_WM_MOUSEWHEEL() to your derived class' message-map:此外,您需要将ON_WM_MOUSEWHEEL()添加到派生类的消息映射中:

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(MyPreviewView, CPreviewView)

Feel free to ask for further clarification and/or explanation.随时要求进一步澄清和/或解释。

It is an addition to the existing answer of Adrian Mole's Answer这是对Adrian Mole's Answer现有答案的补充

If you are not using custom class already, this is the complete implementation of the class:如果您还没有使用自定义 class,这是 class 的完整实现:


// CMyPreviewViewEx view

class CMyPreviewViewEx : public CPreviewViewEx

    CMyPreviewViewEx()              {}           // protected constructor used by dynamic creation
    virtual ~CMyPreviewViewEx()     {}

    afx_msg BOOL OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt);
    static void MyPrintPreview(CView* pView);


// CMyPreviewViewEx

BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CMyPreviewViewEx, CPreviewViewEx)

// CMyPreviewViewEx message handlers

BOOL CMyPreviewViewEx::OnMouseWheel(UINT nFlags, short zDelta, CPoint pt)
    OnVScroll(UINT((zDelta < 0) ? SB_LINEDOWN : SB_LINEUP), 0, nullptr);
    return TRUE;

// Override AFXPrintPreview
void CMyPreviewViewEx::MyPrintPreview(CView* pView)

    CPrintPreviewState *pState= new CPrintPreviewState;

    if (!pView->DoPrintPreview(IDD_AFXBAR_RES_PRINT_PREVIEW, pView, RUNTIME_CLASS(CMyPreviewViewEx), pState))
        TRACE0("Error: OnFilePrintPreview failed.\n");
        delete pState;      // preview failed to initialize, delete State now

In the view class, change as applicable在视图 class 中,根据需要进行更改

// AFXPrintPreview(pView);

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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