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如何在 MODX CMS 的自定义页面上获取文章

[英]How to fetch articles on custom page in MODX CMS

I am new to the MODX CMS so I don't know more about this CMS.我是 MODX CMS 的新手,所以我不太了解这个 CMS。 I tried to fetch articles in the custom template please see screenshot 01:-我试图在自定义模板中获取文章请看截图 01:-

Screenshot 01截图 01 在此处输入图像描述

This is the shortcode of articles which I am using to fetch the articles on the custom pages please see screenshot 02:-这是我用来在自定义页面上获取文章的文章的简码,请参见屏幕截图 02:-

Screenshot 02截图 02 在此处输入图像描述

This is the article template and this is working fine with the shortcode Please see the Screenshot 03:-这是文章模板,使用简码可以正常工作请参阅屏幕截图 03:-

Screenshot 03截图 03 在此处输入图像描述

I Researched on the google so I found this我在谷歌上研究所以我发现了这个


but I don't know how to use it.但我不知道如何使用它。

First of all check this reference: https://docs.modx.com/current/en/extras/getresources/index But as for me it'll be much better to use pdoResources(has useful option &showLog for your needs) from pdoTools extra: https://docs.modx.pro/en/components/pdotools/snippets/pdoresources For test purposes please call uncached (with ! sign before name) snippets fe首先检查这个参考: https://docs.modx.com/current/en/extras/getresources/index但对我来说,使用 pdoTools 的 pdoResources(有有用的选项&showLog来满足您的需要)会好得多额外: https://docs.modx.pro/en/components/pdotools/snippets/pdoresources出于测试目的,请调用未缓存(名称前带有!符号)片段 fe

[[!getResources]], [[!pdoResources]]

Also be aware these snippets don't show hidden and unpublished resources by default, you should point this directly: fe另请注意,这些片段默认情况下不会显示隐藏和未发布的资源,您应该直接指出:fe



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