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如何在 Javascript 中生成与在 Python 3 中相同的 SHA256 编码字符串?

[英]How do I make the same SHA256 encoded string in Javascript that I do in Python 3?

I have this Python script which produces the correct output:我有这个 Python 脚本,它生成正确的 output:

import hashlib

username = "LoginUser"
password = "LoginPass"
nonce = "1234567890"

def LowerCase(s): return s.lower()
def Hex(s): return ''.join([hex(char)[2:] for char in s])

def SHA1(s): h = hashlib.sha1(); h.update(s); return h.digest()
def SHA1Raw(s): h = hashlib.sha1(); h.update(s); return h.hexdigest()

def SHA256(s): h = hashlib.sha256(); h.update(s); return h.digest()
def SHA256Raw(s): h = hashlib.sha256(); h.update(s); return h.hexdigest()

def UTF8Encode(s): return str.encode(s)

step1 = SHA256((UTF8Encode(username)))
step2 = SHA1((UTF8Encode(password)))

step3 = SHA256Raw(step1 + step2)

step1 = SHA256Raw((UTF8Encode(username)))
step2 = SHA1Raw((UTF8Encode(password)))

SHA256(username={username})                            =    {step1}
SHA1(password={password})                              =    {step2}
SHA256((username + password)={username}{password})     =    {step3}
    username = username,
    password = password,
    step1 = step1,
    step2 = step2,
    step3 = step3

Output: Output:

PS D:\project> python .\test.py
SHA256(username=LoginUser)                            =    7981673b2c73a6bdb665f347dc89e9d324f542b1fa1c4a700bc523d8a9a6f565  
SHA1(password=LoginPass)                              =    df703733447469593d39a125ca93462eade53cab
SHA256((username + password)=LoginUserLoginPass)     =    cf3066e157468d6a9d59f9ff0662e4f8f8432be4e07c68320a8b6a031d0c022b

Now in Javascript, I try to mirror the functions I have in Python. I cannot for the life of me.现在在 Javascript 中,我尝试镜像 Python 中的功能。我这辈子都做不到。 I tried quickly understanding Buffers and streams in this context but I believe I am just confusing myself further by not staying grounded to something.我尝试在这种情况下快速理解缓冲区和流,但我相信我只是因为没有坚持某些事情而进一步混淆了自己。

Anyways here's the Javascript versiona and it's output:无论如何,这里是 Javascript 版本 a,它是 output:

const crypto = require('crypto')

const username = "LoginUser"
const password = "LoginPass"
const nonce = "1234567890"

const LowerCase = s => s.toLowerCase()
const Hex = s => Buffer.from(s, 'utf8').toString('hex')

const SHA1 = s => crypto.createHash('sha1').update(s, 'utf8').digest('hex')
const SHA1Raw = s => crypto.createHash('sha1').update(s, 'utf8').digest()

const SHA256 = s => crypto.createHash('sha256').update(s, 'utf8').digest('hex')
const SHA256Raw = s => crypto.createHash('sha256').update(s, 'utf8').digest()

const UTF8Encode = s => Buffer.from(s, 'utf8');

let step1 = SHA256(username)
let step2 = SHA1(password)
let step3 = SHA256Raw(step1.concat(step2))

SHA256(username=${username})                            =    ${step1}
SHA1(password=${password})                              =    ${step2}
SHA256((username + password)=${username+password})      =    ${step3.toString('hex')}

Output: Output:

PS D:\project> node .\test.js

SHA256(username=LoginUser)                            =    7981673b2c73a6bdb665f347dc89e9d324f542b1fa1c4a700bc523d8a9a6f565
SHA1(password=LoginPass)                              =    df703733447469593d39a125ca93462eade53cab
SHA256((username + password)=LoginUserLoginPass)      =    757101f0fd2628ce12dc039146f56da14a1e85a27fda5d68c2623f616c4fc3cc

Can anyone help?有人可以帮忙吗?

You only need a very small modification to make this work in Node.js.你只需要一个非常小的修改就可以使这个在 Node.js 中工作。

I would suggest calculating the hashes as buffer objects, this makes the combined hash easier to calculate (since we don't need to parse from hex).我建议将哈希计算为缓冲区对象,这使得组合的 hash 更容易计算(因为我们不需要从十六进制解析)。

We do this by using Buffer.concat to concatenate the output of the previous hashes.为此,我们使用Buffer.concat连接之前哈希值的 output。

const crypto = require('crypto')

const username = "LoginUser"
const password = "LoginPass"
const nonce = "1234567890"

const LowerCase = s => s.toLowerCase()
const Hex = s => Buffer.from(s, 'utf8').toString('hex')

const SHA1 = s => crypto.createHash('sha1').update(s, 'utf8').digest('hex')
const SHA1Raw = s => crypto.createHash('sha1').update(s, 'utf8').digest()

const SHA256 = s => crypto.createHash('sha256').update(s, 'utf8').digest('hex')
const SHA256Raw = s => crypto.createHash('sha256').update(s, 'utf8').digest()

const UTF8Encode = s => Buffer.from(s, 'utf8');

let step1 = SHA256Raw(username) // Get the SHA256 as a buffer.
let step2 = SHA1Raw(password) // Get the SHA1 as a buffer.
let step3 = SHA256Raw(Buffer.concat([step1, step2])) // Get the SHA256 of the previous steps concatenated as a buffer.

SHA256(username=${username})                            =    ${step1.toString('hex')}
SHA1(password=${password})                              =    ${step2.toString('hex')}
SHA256((username + password)=${username+password})      =    ${step3.toString('hex')}

This gives the correct result, eg这给出了正确的结果,例如

SHA256(username=LoginUser)                            =    7981673b2c73a6bdb665f347dc89e9d324f542b1fa1c4a700bc523d8a9a6f565
SHA1(password=LoginPass)                              =    df703733447469593d39a125ca93462eade53cab
SHA256((username + password)=LoginUserLoginPass)      =    cf3066e157468d6a9d59f9ff0662e4f8f8432be4e07c68320a8b6a031d0c022b

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