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在 LINQ 中的动态表达式和查询中使用 DefaultIfEmpty

[英]Use DefaultIfEmpty in Dynamic Expressions and Queries in LINQ

I want to use Dynamic Expressions and Queries in LINQ with a DefaultIfEmpty clause to get all of the rows from the two sets that don't match, or don't have a match.我想在 LINQ 中使用带有 DefaultIfEmpty 子句的动态表达式和查询来获取两组不匹配或不匹配的所有行。 The end goal is to get the delta of the join of the two tables.最终目标是获得两个表连接的增量。

In table AI have:在表 AI 中有:

Name | Description       | Type
A    | This is something | 1
B    | Something else    | 2
C    | Where have I gone | 1

In table BI have:在表 BI 中有:

Name | Description        | Type
A    | This is something  | 1
B    | Life is wonderful  | 2
D    | What happened to C | 2

I would like to get the results as:我想得到如下结果:

Column      | Table A        | Table B
Name        | B              | B
Description | Something else | Life is wonderful
Type        | 2              | 2
Column      | Table A           | Table B
Name        | C                 | null
Description | Where have I gone | null
Type        | 2                 | null
Column      | Table A | Table B
Name        | null    | D
Description | null    | What happened to C
Type        | null    | 2

This answer doesn't use Dynamic Expressions.这个答案不使用动态表达式。 However, it is the solution that I came up with, that gives me the answer I'm looking for.但是,正是我想出的解决方案给了我正在寻找的答案。

    var sql = table.SqlSelect;
    var dataLegacy = GetData(connections.Legacy, sql, table.TableName);
    var dataUpdate = GetData(connections.Update, sql, table.TableName);

    var compare = new List<CompareSet>();
    var jsonColumns = table.Json.ToList() ?? null;
    .ForEach(legacyRow =>
        DataRow updateRow = default(DataRow);
        if (table.KeyColumn.Any())
            var keys = string.Join("|", table.KeyColumn.Select(kc => $"{legacyRow.Field<object>(kc)}"));
            updateRow = dataUpdate.AsEnumerable()
            .FirstOrDefault(y => keys == string.Join("|", table.KeyColumn.Select(kc => $"{y.Field<object>(kc)}")));
        if (updateRow == null || JsonConvert.SerializeObject(legacyRow.ItemArray) != JsonConvert.SerializeObject(updateRow.ItemArray))
            compare.Add(new CompareSet(compare.Count, legacyRow, updateRow, jsonColumns));
    .ForEach(updateRow =>
        DataRow legacyRow = default(DataRow);
        if (table.KeyColumn.Any())
            var keys = string.Join("|", table.KeyColumn.Select(kc => $"{updateRow.Field<object>(kc)}"));
            legacyRow = dataLegacy.AsEnumerable()
            .FirstOrDefault(y => keys == string.Join("|", table.KeyColumn.Select(kc => $"{y.Field<object>(kc)}")));
        if (legacyRow == null)
            compare.Add(new CompareSet(compare.Count, legacyRow, updateRow, jsonColumns));
    if (compare.Any())
        compare.OrderBy(c => c.OrderBy)
        .Dump($"{table.SchemaTable} ( {compare.Count()} / {dataLegacy.Rows.Count} / {dataUpdate.Rows.Count} rows )", TableDumpDepth);
        "No differences found in data".Dump($"{table.SchemaTable} ( 0 / {dataLegacy.Rows.Count} / {dataUpdate.Rows.Count} rows )");

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