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Corda Node 如何支持水平缩放?

[英]How to support horizontal scaling for Corda Node?

We can achieve HA by using the Hot-Cold availability, where only one node is active at any given time.我们可以通过使用热冷可用性来实现 HA,其中在任何给定时间只有一个节点处于活动状态。 Is it possible to have a Hot-Hot availability?是否有可能提供 Hot-Hot 可用性?

Currently, we support Hot-Cold functionality in Corda Enterprise, Hot-Hot is on the product road map.目前,我们在 Corda Enterprise 中支持 Hot-Cold 功能,Hot-Hot 正在产品道路上 map。

Keep an eye on the releases/documentation for future releases.密切关注未来版本的版本/文档。

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