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我可以将机器人集成到 Zapier 中的 zap 中吗?

[英]Can I integrate a bot into a zap in Zapier?

I am looking to create a zap in Zapier that automates all of the preparations I do preceding a tutoring appointment.我希望在 Zapier 中创建一个 zap,它可以自动完成我在辅导预约之前所做的所有准备工作。

I use bitpaper.io to create shared whiteboards, and would like to automate the process of creating a new whiteboard and sharing its URL.我使用bitpaper.io创建共享白板,并希望自动执行创建新白板并共享其 URL 的过程。

Is it possible to integrate the code to do this into a zap?是否可以将执行此操作的代码集成到 zap 中? I understand that this would be possible independent of Zapier via python or JS.我知道这可以通过 python 或 JS 独立于 Zapier。

I understand that this would be possible independent of Zapier via python or JS我知道这可能独立于 Zapier 通过 python 或 JS

If you can do it in Python or JS, then at the very least, you can run that same Python/JS in Zapier.如果您可以在 Python 或 JS 中完成,那么至少,您可以在 Zapier 中运行相同的 Python/JS。

You can do that either via a Code by Zapier action, or by wrapping your code in a Zapier integration so you can reuse it more easily.您可以通过Code by Zapier操作或将您的代码包装在Zapier 集成中来实现这一点,这样您就可以更轻松地重用它。

You could use Zapier in conjunction with no code browser automation tools like Axiom.ai or powerautomate ;您可以将 Zapier 与Axiom.aipowerautomate等无代码浏览器自动化工具结合使用; I made a quick video showing you how to do this.我制作了一个快速视频,向您展示了如何执行此操作。

This may be overkill but saves on coding.这可能有点矫枉过正,但可以节省编码。

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