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Unix shell 代码。 如何计算文本文件中每一行的字母数

[英]Unix shell code. How to count the number of letters on each line from a text file

I have the following code in Linux shell file: I need to replace the "..." with the number of letters of the coresponding line.我在 Linux shell 文件中有以下代码:我需要将“...”替换为对应行的字母数。

echo "Filename is: $1\n"
nr_lines=$(wc -l <$1)
echo "Number of lines in files is: $nr_lines\n"

for line in $(seq 1 $nr_lines);
    echo "Line $line has  ... letters"


The general pattern for iterating over all lines of a file is something like:遍历文件所有行的一般模式类似于:

i=0; while read line; do
    printf "Line $((++i)) has %d letters\n" \
      "$(echo "$line" | tr -dc a-zA-Z | wc -c)";
done < input

but using while read...; do... done < input但是while read...; do... done < input while read...; do... done < input in a shell is often better done with awk: while read...; do... done < input通常最好使用 awk 完成:

awk '{gsub("[^a-zA-Z]", ""); printf "Line %d has %d letters\n", NR, length}' input

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