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我不明白插入 function 机制将如何有人得到它(应该使用链表数组作为链接)?

[英]I dont understand how the insert function mechanism will be does someone get it(Having an array of linked lists as chaining should be used)?

I have created an insert function that adds a students id,first name,last name and email in an array of linked list.我创建了一个插入 function,它在链表数组中添加了学生 ID、名字、姓氏和 email。 I should create another function that checks if a certain student is available and update his email, but I don't know where to start with that function我应该创建另一个 function 来检查某个学生是否可用并更新他的 email,但我不知道从哪里开始


#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class HashTable
    struct HashNode
        string key;
        string value;
        HashNode* next;
    HashNode* table[100];
    int currentSize;
    int maxSize;
    HashTable(int x);
    void insert(string ID, string firstName, string lastName, string email);
    bool update(string ID, string newEmail);


HashTable::HashTable(int x)
    maxSize = x;

 void HashTable::insert(string ID, string firstName, string lastName, string email)
    HashNode x;
    x.key = ID;
    x.value = firstName + " " + lastName + " " + email;
    int index = hash(x.key);
    if (*(table + index) == NULL)
        *(table + index) = new HashNode;
        (*(table + index))->key = x.key;
        (*(table + index))->value = x.value;
        (*(table + index))->next = NULL;
        HashNode* temp = *(table + index);
        while (temp->next != NULL)
            temp = temp->next;
        HashNode* newNode = new HashNode;
        newNode->key = x.key;
        newNode->value = x.value;
        newNode->next = NULL;
        temp->next = newNode;
        temp = NULL;
        newNode = NULL;
  1. You should store firstName , lastName and email as three separate string fields in HashNode instead of concatenating them in insert .您应该将firstNamelastNameemail作为三个单独的string字段存储在HashNode中,而不是在insert中连接它们。 That will save you numerous headaches.这将为您省去很多麻烦。

  2. In update function, you need to scan the linked list the student was (or could be) added to;update function 中,您需要扫描学生已(或可能)添加到的链表; that is, that starting at table[hash(ID)] (btw, table[index] is the same as *(table + index) , at least for pointers [arrays are often treated as pointers in C and C++]).也就是说,从table[hash(ID)]开始(顺便说一句, table[index]*(table + index)相同,至少对于指针[数组通常在 C 和 C++ 中被视为指针])。 You need to find the node having the key you look for (if any), and update its email.您需要找到具有您要查找的密钥的节点(如果有),并更新其 email。

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