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C 到 MIPS 代码翻译问题与嵌套过程

[英]C to MIPS Code translation problem with nested procedure

I need to tranlate piece of C code我需要翻译一段 C 代码

int main(){
int a, b, result;
if(a == b)
result = a*b;
result = assess(a, b);
return result;
int assess(int a, int b){
return upgrade(a, b);
return demote(a, b);
int upgrade(int a, int b)
{return 4*(a+b);}
int demote(int a, int b)
{return 4*(b-a);}

a and b will be tested for a=8 b=8 a=3 b=5 a=5 b=3 here is what i tried a 和 b 将被测试 a=8 b=8 a=3 b=5 a=5 b=3 这是我尝试过的

    add $s0,$s0,5
    add $s1,$s1,3
    add $s3,$s3,0
    beq $s0,$s1,Resultmul
    bne $s0,$s1,assess
    li $v0, 10
    addi $sp,$sp,-8
    sw $s3,0($sp)
    sw $ra,4($sp)
    jal upgrade
    lw $ra,4($sp)
    add $sp,$sp,4
    jr $ra
Resultmul :
    mul $s3,$s1,$s0
    li $v0, 10

    add $s3,$s0,$s1
    mul $s3,$s3,4
    jr $ra

    sub $v0,$s1,$s0
    mul $v0,$v0,4
    jr $ra

But it gets stuck in jr $ra in the assess procedure can someone fix this issue that would be great.但是它在评估过程中卡在 jr $ra 中,有人可以解决这个问题吗?

You are branching to assess instead of calling it like a function via jal .您正在分支进行assess ,而不是通过jal将其称为 function 。 Thus, there is no proper value in $ra upon the entry to assess for it use upon completion to return to main .因此,在$ra输入时没有适当的值来assess它在完成时用于返回main

You are (almost) properly saving $ra and restoring it later, but it never had a good value in the first place, so the save & restore (which will be needed) doesn't help yet.您(几乎)正确地保存$ra并在以后恢复它,但它一开始就没有很好的价值,所以保存和恢复(将需要)还没有帮助。

You should pop as many bytes off the stack as you push — you're pushing 8 but popping only 4.您应该从堆栈中弹出尽可能多的字节,因为您压入了 8 个但仅弹出了 4 个。

You are also not restoring $s3 though you do save it.尽管您确实保存了它,但您也没有恢复$s3

You might consider $ra as a parameter passed to a function, and inspect its value upon function entry and during function execution to see where becomes incorrect.您可以将$ra视为传递给 function 的参数,并在 function 条目和 function 执行期间检查其值以查看哪里不正确。 The value passed to the callee should be the address of the return point in the caller — a code address.传递给被调用者的值应该是调用者中返回点的地址——代码地址。

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