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Sphinx LaTeX 目录 - 避免包含的 rst 文件的目录树嵌套

[英]Sphinx LaTeX Table of Contents - avoid toctree nesting of included rst files

I have a Sphinx documentation with the following structure:我有一个具有以下结构的Sphinx文档:

My chapter title

Chapter intro part 1
Brief introduction that I would like to have in the start of this chapter...

Chapter intro part 2
Another short section ...

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2


When I render the HTML based on this, things work as intended - I have a starting page for this chapter and my sub chapters are available from the side menu.当我基于此渲染 HTML 时,一切都按预期进行 - 我有本章的起始页,我的子章节可从侧面菜单中获得。

However, when I build my LaTeX/PDF output, the hierarchy is structured as follows in the Table of Contents and numbering:但是,当我构建我的 LaTeX/PDF output 时,层次结构在目录和编号中如下所示:

0.2 My chapter title
- 0.2.1 Chapter intro part 1
- 0.2.2 Chapter intro part 2
  - subchapter1
  - subchapter2

What I wanted to have was below:我想要的如下:

0.2 My chapter title
- 0.2.1 Chapter intro part 1
- 0.2.2 Chapter intro part 2
- 0.2.3 subchapter1 title
- 0.2.3 subchapter2 title

Or alternatively:或者:

0.2 My chapter title
0.2.1 subchapter1 title
0.2.2 subchapter2 title 

I realize this is probably an attempt to "hack" the toctree concept a bit, but I'm trying to both satisfy my hierarchy requirements for HTML and LaTeX with the same code.我意识到这可能是试图“破解” toctree概念,但我试图用相同的代码同时满足我对 HTML 和LaTeX的层次结构要求。

I'm using Sphinx 1.8.5 and default LaTeX build settings.我正在使用Sphinx 1.8.5和默认LaTeX构建设置。

I ended up using a structure as below:我最终使用了如下结构:


.. only:: html

  .. include:: hardware/intro.rst

.. toctree::
   :maxdepth: 2


In the conf.py I added:conf.py我添加:

if tags.has("output_html"):

And in my build process I add the tag output_html as the standard html tag is not accessible in the conf.py .在我的构建过程中,我将标签output_html添加为标准html标签在conf.py中不可访问。 With this I got what I wanted.有了这个,我得到了我想要的。

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