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Javascript/Python - 单击网站上的按钮并在 python 中运行 function

[英]Javascript/Python - click a button on a website and run a function in python

It is currently 2:17PM and I have been working on this since 8AM.现在是下午 2 点 17 分,我从早上 8 点开始就一直在做这件事。 I usually do python.我通常做 python。 I want to make a array of buttons where clicking a button will run a python function on the server.我想制作一组按钮,单击按钮将在服务器上运行 python function 。 I want to do this by sending a web request from the client javascript to a python server, which will receive it, parse it, and run the correct function. I want to do this by sending a web request from the client javascript to a python server, which will receive it, parse it, and run the correct function. I have tried webhooks, websockets, ajax, and manually parsing GET and POST requests.我尝试过 webhooks、websockets、ajax,以及手动解析 GET 和 POST 请求。 I can't get it to work, there seems to be nothing online about webhooks in python, python websocket API's insist you use async and don't even work, I barely understand ajax but it doesn't let you change ports, and when I try to manually parse requests all I get is the initial connection and clicking the button won't send any more. I can't get it to work, there seems to be nothing online about webhooks in python, python websocket API's insist you use async and don't even work, I barely understand ajax but it doesn't let you change ports, and when我尝试手动解析请求,我得到的只是初始连接,单击按钮将不再发送。

This is my latest attempt client side, get request parsing (I wanted to change ports or parse the headers but I only get data when the sockets in python first create the connection, I get nothing later when I click the button.)这是我最新的尝试客户端,获取请求解析(我想更改端口或解析标头,但我仅在 python 中的 sockets 首次创建连接时获取数据,稍后单击按钮时我什么也得不到。)

<title>Dashboard v0.1</title>
    function send(theUrl)
        var xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xmlHttp.open( "GET", theUrl, false);
        return xmlHttp.responseText;

    body {
        width: 35em;
        margin: 0 auto;
        font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;

    <button type="button" onclick="send("")">Test</button>

This is my latest attempt server side:这是我最近尝试的服务器端:

from threading import *
from socket import *

server = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM)
Port = 34000

Host = ""
BufferSize = 2048
server.bind((Host, Port))

while True:
    connection, address = server.accept()
    print("Accepted connection")

    while True:
        response = connection.recv(BufferSize).decode("utf8")

Please help.请帮忙。 I just want to send a request.我只是想发送一个请求。 I frankly don't give a shit about security, it's on my home network.坦率地说,我不在乎安全性,它在我的家庭网络上。 I don't know javascript, this is all code snippets.我不知道javascript,这都是代码片段。

I found the answer!我找到了答案! Simply reply with HTTP/1.1 200 OK to shut the browser up.只需回复HTTP/1.1 200 OK即可关闭浏览器。 Here's my implementation:这是我的实现:

def listen(id, server):
    while True:
        client_connection, client_address = server.accept()
        request_data = client_connection.recv(1024)

        http_response = b"""\
    HTTP/1.1 200 OK


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