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响应有错误状态时的空正文(Apache CXF)

[英]Empty body when response has error status (Apache CXF)

Imagine there is a rest endpoint listening on host.tld/api and which returns a 404 Not Found with the following body:想象一下,有一个 rest 端点正在监听host.tld/api ,它返回一个404 Not Found并带有以下正文:

    "status": 404,
    "message": "This is a custom error message",
    "errorNr": 13400

Additionally there is a ClientResponseFilter which looks like this:此外,还有一个 ClientResponseFilter,如下所示:

public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext, ClientResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException {
        if (responseContext.getStatus() != Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
            // get the real error message
            CustomExceptionData error = new ObjectMapper().readValue(
                CustomExceptionData .class
            throw new CustomException(error.getErrorNr(), error.getStatus(), error.getMessage());

The client uses this code to retrieve the response of the rest endpoint:客户端使用此代码检索 rest 端点的响应:

WebTarget target = getTarget();
try {
    return target.request(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_TYPE).get(MyCustomDTO.class);
} catch (Exception e) {
    if (e.getCause() instanceof CustomException) {
       // some other logic

The code must work with the jersey and the apache cxf JAX-RS implementation.该代码必须与 jersey 和 apache cxf JAX-RS 实现一起使用。 Now take a look at the last code block.现在看看最后一个代码块。 When using jersey I get a javax.ws.rs.ProcessingException and executing e.getCause() returns a CustomException , so everything is correct.使用 jersey 时,我得到一个javax.ws.rs.ProcessingException并执行e.getCause()返回一个CustomException ,所以一切都是正确的。 When using Apache CXF I get a javax.ws.rs.NotFoundException with absolutely no information about the response body and where e.getCause() returns null .使用 Apache CXF 时,我得到一个javax.ws.rs.NotFoundException ,其中完全没有关于响应主体的信息,并且e.getCause()在哪里返回null Why is there such a difference?为什么会有这样的差异? And how can I fix that?我该如何解决?

Just before you throw your exception, you can set the status code to 200, which will prevent CXF from throwing a NotFoundException :就在您抛出异常之前,您可以将状态码设置为 200,这将防止 CXF 抛出NotFoundException

public void filter(ClientRequestContext requestContext, ClientResponseContext responseContext) throws IOException {
        if (responseContext.getStatus() != Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode()) {
            // get the real error message
            CustomExceptionData error = new ObjectMapper().readValue(
                CustomExceptionData .class
            throw new CustomException(error.getErrorNr(), error.getStatus(), error.getMessage());

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