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如何从通过 powershell 从 Teams 导出的 csv 文件中获取 samAccountName

[英]How to get the samAccountName from a csv file exported from Teams via powershell

I have exported a CSV file from Microsoft Teams and got the data that I required after running this command:我从 Microsoft Teams 导出了 CSV 文件,并在运行此命令后获得了所需的数据:

Import-Csv -Path "C:\TeamsUserActivity.csv" | 
Where-Object { $PSItem.DisplayName -notlike "*-*" } | 
Select-Object -Property DisplayName,'LastActivity (UTC Time)' | 
Sort-Object -Property 'LastActivity (UTC Time)' -Descending | 
Export-Csv -Path "C:\TeamsUsers.csv"

This displays the following:这将显示以下内容:

DisplayName        LastActivity (UTC Time)
-----------        -----------------------
Tom Smith          2020-04-16T01:00:47Z
Joe Bloggs         2020-04-16T01:00:47Z
Harry Briggs       2020-04-16T01:00:47Z
Jeff Kerry         2020-04-16T01:00:47Z
Jane Briggs        2020-04-15T23:17:29Z
Betty Smith        2020-04-06T02:56:51Z

I need to remove the records under "LastActivity (UTC Time)" that are below the first date我需要删除“LastActivity(UTC 时间)”下低于第一个日期的记录
Anything below: 2020-04-16以下任何内容:2020-04-16
Then run a Get-ADUser command on Active Directory to get the samAccountName for each record and put it into a third column.然后在 Active Directory 上运行 Get-ADUser 命令以获取每条记录的 samAccountName 并将其放入第三列。

DisplayName        LastActivity (UTC Time)       UserID
-----------        -----------------------       ------
Tom Smith          2020-04-16T01:00:47Z          tsmith
Joe Bloggs         2020-04-16T01:00:47Z          jbloggs
Harry Briggs       2020-04-16T01:00:47Z          hbloggs
Jeff Kerry         2020-04-16T01:00:47Z          jkerry

Been testing a whole bunch of methods to Get-ADUser from ActiveDirectory to return the samaccountname, it will only work for one record when I use static text一直在测试从 ActiveDirectory 获取 ADUser 以返回 samaccountname 的一大堆方法,当我使用 static 文本时,它仅适用于一条记录

Get-ADUser -filter { DisplayName -eq 'Tom Smith' } | Select samAccountName

Not when I import the csv file and run a foreach loop for each row.不是当我导入 csv 文件并为每一行运行一个 foreach 循环时。
The code I have tested, which I would think shuld return what I need is below:我测试过的代码,我认为应该返回我需要的代码如下:

$in_file = "C:\PS\SessionData\sessionTMSct.csv"
$out_file = "C:\PS\SessionData\sessionTMSctout.csv"

$out_data = @()

ForEach ($row in (Import-Csv $in_file)) {
    If ($row.DisplayName) {
        $out_data += Get-ADUser $row.DisplayName -Properties samAccountName

$out_data | 
Select DisplayName,'LastActivity (UTC Time)',SamAccountName | 
Export-Csv -Path $out_file -NoTypeInformation

Ends in the following error, pre row:以以下错误结束,前行:

Get-ADUser : The term 'Get-ADUser' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:8 char:22
+         $out_data += Get-ADUser $row.DisplayName -Properties samAccou ...
+                      ~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (Get-ADUser:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

You were nearly there.你快到了。 A custom field is what you need:您需要一个自定义字段:

Import-Csv -Path "C:\TeamsUserActivity.csv" | `
Where-Object { $PSItem.DisplayName -notlike "*-*" } | `
Select-Object -Property DisplayName,'LastActivity (UTC Time)',`
@{l="samAccountName";e={$DN = $_.DisplayName; `
(Get-ADUser -filter {DisplayName -eq $DN}).samAccountName}} | `
Export-CSV -path "C:\ExportedTeamsUserActivity.csv"

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