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如何使用 react-compound-timer getTime() 方法更新组件 state

[英]How to update component state with react-compound-timer getTime() method

I'm creating a component to track the time that takes to do a task.我正在创建一个组件来跟踪执行任务所需的时间。 And I'm using react-compound-timer to do that.我正在使用react-compound-timer来做到这一点。

The problem I'm having is that I am unable to update the component state when clicking the 'stop' button.我遇到的问题是单击“停止”按钮时无法更新组件 state。

This is the code:这是代码:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import Timer from 'react-compound-timer'
import clock from '../../../assets/images/clock-regular.svg'
import playIcon from '../../../assets/images/play.svg';
import pauseIcon from '../../../assets/images/pause.svg';
import stopIcon from '../../../assets/images/stop.svg';
import resetIcon from '../../../assets/images/reset.svg';

const LogTimer = () => {
  const [timerValue, setTimerValue] = useState(null);

  return (
      formatValue={(value) => `${(value < 10 ? `0${value}` : value)}`}
      onStart={() => console.log('onStart')}
      onPause={() => console.log('onPause')}
      onStop={(value) => {
      onReset={() => console.log('onReset')}
    {({ start, pause, stop, reset, getTime }) => 
          <div className="d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between">
            <div className="d-flex align-items-center">
              <img src={clock} alt="clock" className="pr-2" style={{ width: '1.75rem' }}/><Timer.Hours />:<Timer.Minutes />:<Timer.Seconds /> 
          <div className="d-flex justify-content-between" style={{ minWidth: '9rem' }}>
            <img src={playIcon} className="control-btn" alt='play' role='button' onClick={start}></img>
            <img src={pauseIcon} className="control-btn" alt='pause' role='button' onClick={pause}></img>
            <img src={stopIcon} className="control-btn" alt='stop' role='button' onClick={
              () => {
                const actualTime = getTime();
            <img src={resetIcon} className="control-btn" alt='reset' role='button' onClick={reset}></img>

export default LogTimer;

If I log to the console 'actualTime' it properly has the value of the getTime() method when clicking the stop button.如果我登录到控制台'actualTime',它在单击停止按钮时正确地具有 getTime() 方法的值。

But the component state is not updated.但是组件 state 没有更新。 I've tried several other potential solutions, like trying to pass through props the "setTimerValue" function, but it doesn't work.我尝试了其他几种潜在的解决方案,例如尝试通过道具“setTimerValue”function,但它不起作用。

How can I solve this?我该如何解决这个问题?

Thanks for your time.谢谢你的时间。

Your problem is that you are sending actualTime via stop that is not possible, stop is just a method to notify Timer to stop so you can't send param to it.您的问题是您通过 stop 发送实际时间是不可能的, stop 只是一种通知 Timer 停止的方法,因此您无法向其发送参数。 Update your code as follow:更新您的代码如下:

      onClick={() => {
      const actualTime = getTime();

Also use useEffect to see updated value:还可以使用 useEffect 查看更新的值:

useEffect(() => {
    console.log("timerValue: " + timerValue);
}, [timerValue]);

My codesandbox link to see the updated code: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-hooks-counter-demo-o5ebq?file=/src/Timer.js我的代码框链接以查看更新的代码: https://codesandbox.io/s/react-hooks-counter-demo-o5ebq?file=/src/Timer.js

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