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在 Flutter 和 Dart 中重构小部件的最优雅/有效的方法

[英]Most elegant/efficient way to refactor widgets in Flutter and Dart

Searching online on "how to refactor Flutter widgets" I found that there exist two possible ways that are both functioning as per my testing, still very different from a structural standpoint.在网上搜索“如何重构 Flutter 小部件”,我发现根据我的测试,存在两种可能的方式,但从结构的角度来看仍然有很大不同。 The second method, indeed includes and additional building instruction, which should bring a further burden on the app performances right?第二种方法,确实包括额外的构建指令,这应该会给应用程序性能带来更大的负担吧?

This is the code I want to refactor:这是我要重构的代码:

    child: Column(
        children: <Widget> [
            [long code to create a button with many properties],
            [long code to create a button with many properties],
            [long code to create a button with many properties],
            [long code to create a button with many properties],

These are the main ways I found:这些是我发现的主要方法:

1): 1):

Widget MyButton(Color color, String text) {
    return [long code to create a button with many properties];

2): 2):

class MyButton extends StatelessWidget {
    MyButton(this.color, this.text);

    final Color color;
    final String text;

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return [long code to create a button with many properties];

Which is the best method?哪种方法最好?

Please take a look and consider this other question:请看一下并考虑另一个问题:

What is the difference between functions and classes to create reusable widgets? 创建可重用小部件的函数和类之间有什么区别?

Short answer : It' better the second method (both efficient and elegant).简短回答:第二种方法更好(既高效又优雅)。

In the first method (extract to a function) , you are just creating a function that return the encapsulated widget.第一种方法(提取到函数)中,您只是创建了一个返回封装小部件的 function。

In the second method (extract to a class) , you are extracting the widget to a new class that extends from StatelessWidget .第二种方法(提取到类)中,您将小部件提取到从StatelessWidget扩展的新 class 。 This difference gives to the Flutter framework a way to make optimizations.这种差异为 Flutter 框架提供了一种进行优化的方法。

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