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[英]Cannot read property 'toString" of undefined — React

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I was about to start working on this app again.我正要重新开始开发这个应用程序。 It worked perfectly about a month ago, however now I get the error: Cannot read property 'toString" of undefined大约一个月前它工作得很好,但是现在我收到错误:无法读取未定义的属性“toString”

It doesn't pinpoint where the error is either.它也没有指出错误在哪里。

It looks like you are using the create-react-app environment.看起来您正在使用create-react-app环境。

Build your project off of the parcel environment, installing the needed react dependencies, and it will work.parcel环境中构建你的项目,安装所需的 react 依赖项,它就会工作。

They talk about this issue here他们在这里谈论这个问题

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