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通过 PowerShell 获取已卸载 Windows fonts 的详细信息

[英]Get details of uninstalled Windows fonts via PowerShell

I'm using PowerShell and ImageMagick to create customized images of my font collection to determine which fonts I want to install into the system.我正在使用 PowerShell 和 ImageMagick 创建我的字体集合的自定义图像,以确定我想要安装到系统中的 fonts。 I'd like to have the image include some font information, but I am having a difficult time extracting that information.我想让图像包含一些字体信息,但我很难提取这些信息。 I found some useful code at https://powershell.org/forums/topic/listing-font-details/#post-78006 , but I found that information is only accessible within the system's font directory.我在https://powershell.org/forums/topic/listing-font-details/#post-78006找到了一些有用的代码,但我发现这些信息只能系统的字体目录中访问。 My collection exists outside of %SystemRoot%\Fonts .我的收藏存在于%SystemRoot%\Fonts之外

I'd like to access things like我想访问类似的东西

  • font name (Aparajita)字体名称 (Aparajita)
  • font style (bold, normal, italic)字体样式(粗体、正常、斜体)
  • font type (Raster, OpenType/TrueType)字体类型(光栅、OpenType/TrueType)


Is this possible?这可能吗?

Using the Shell.Application COM object to get details of files is not limited to the %SystemRoot%\Fonts folder.使用Shell.Application COM object 获取文件的详细信息不限于%SystemRoot%\Fonts文件夹。

If you have a folder on disk where you keep your collection of fonts, you could use the below code to get information for each of the font files:如果您在磁盘上有一个文件夹来保存 fonts 的集合,则可以使用以下代码获取每个字体文件的信息:

function Get-FontInfo {
    Param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ValueFromPipeline=$true)] 
    # using a lookup hashtable to avoid localized field names
    $fontProperties = [ordered]@{
        0   = 'Name'
        1   = 'Size'
        2   = 'Type'
        20  = 'Author'
        21  = 'Title'
        25  = 'Copyright'
        33  = 'Company'
        34  = 'Description'
        164 = 'Extension'
        165 = 'FileName'
        166 = 'Version'
        194 = 'Path'
        196 = 'FileType'
        310 = 'Trademark'
    $shell  = New-Object -ComObject "Shell.Application"
    $objDir = $shell.NameSpace($SourceFolder)
    $files  = Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceFolder -Filter '*.*' -File -Recurse:$Recurse

    foreach($file in $files) {
        $objFile   = $objDir.ParseName($file.Name)
        $mediaFile = $objDir.Items()
        $output    = [ordered]@{}
        $fontProperties.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
            $name  = $objDir.GetDetailsOf($mediaFile, $_.Name)
            if (![string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($name)) { 
                $output[$_.Value] = $objDir.GetDetailsOf($objFile, $_.Name)

    $null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($objFile)
    $null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($objDir)
    $null = [System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($shell)

Get-FontInfo -SourceFolder 'D:\Test'  # the path of the font folder

If you have subfolders inside the source folder, also add the -Recurse switch.如果源文件夹中有子文件夹,还要添加-Recurse开关。

Output something like: Output 类似于:

Name        : aparaj.ttf
Size        : 194 kB
Type        : TrueType-lettertypebestand
Author      : 
Title       : Aparajita
Copyright   : Copyright (c) 2011, Modular Infotech, Pune, INDIA. - Licenced to Microsoft
Company     : 
Description : This font is primarily meant for use in displaying Hindi text in documents. It is an OpenType font, based on Unicode. 
Extension   : .ttf
FileName    : aparaj.ttf
Version     : 6.00
Path        : D:\Test\aparaj.ttf
FileType    : TrueType-lettertypebestand
Trademark   : 

After reviewing Theo's answer, and doing some code modification, I made the discovery that there are different extended attributes depending on if the font is installed or not.在查看了 Theo 的答案并进行了一些代码修改后,我发现根据是否安装了字体,存在不同的扩展属性。 The top section of the following output is when the font is installed, versus the bottom section when it is not installed.以下 output 的顶部是安装字体时,而底部是未安装时。 In short, if I want to embed the 'Font Style' and 'Designed For' into the image Im generating, I need to install the font first.简而言之,如果我想将“字体样式”和“设计用于”嵌入到我生成的图像中,我需要先安装字体。

Value                                           Attribute                      Index
-----                                           ---------                      -----
Regular                                         Font style                         1
Show                                            Show/hide                          2
Arabic                                          Designed for                       3
Text                                            Category                           4
Microsoft Corporation                           Designer/foundry                   5
Editable                                        Font embeddability                 6
OpenType                                        Font type                          7
Arabic Typesetting                              Family                             8
‎2013-‎Aug-‎22 ‏‎11:34 A                             Date modified                     10
505 KB                                          Size                              11
C:\Windows\Fonts\ARABTYPE.TTF                   Font file names                   13
6.00                                            Font version                      14
609 KB                                          Size                               1
TrueType font file                              Item type                          2
2009-Jun-10 04:43 P                             Date modified                      3
2019-Dec-16 01:50 P                             Date created                       4
2019-Dec-16 01:50 P                             Date accessed                      5
A                                               Attributes                         6
Available offline                               Availability                       8
Unspecified                                     Perceived type                     9
Everyone                                        Owner                             10
Unrated                                         Rating                            19
Mamoun Sakkal, Paul C. Nelson and John Hudson   Authors                           20
Arabic Typesetting                              Title                             21
© 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Res... Copyright                         25
94.9 GB                                         Total size                        50
WINDOWS8.1 (this PC)                            Computer                          53
.ttf                                            File extension                   156
arabtype.ttf                                    Filename                         157
5.91                                            File version                     158
1.81 GB                                         Space free                       161
No                                              Shared                           178
Fonts                                           Folder name                      181
Y:\Documents\Fonts                              Folder path                      182
Fonts (Y:\Documents)                            Folder                           183
Y:\Documents\Fonts\arabtype.ttf                 Path                             185
TrueType font file                              Type                             187
Unresolved                                      Link status                      193
‎98%                                             Space used                       242
Not shared                                      Sharing status                   282
Available                                       <unknown>                        283

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