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如何在 tkinter 中将 label 文本与 label 值并排保存

[英]How do I keep label text side by side with label value in tkinter

I am trying to keep the label text value: "This is the subtotal" next to subtotal value.我试图保留 label 文本值:“这是小计”旁边的小计值。 Meaning:意义:


If I were to click on the "Calulate Subtotal" Button the text "This is the subtotal" should be to the right and the actual subtotal should be to the left.如果我点击“计算小计”按钮,文本“这是小计”应该在右边,实际小计应该在左边。 Currently, If I were to click on the "Calulate Subtotal" Button the text "this is the subtotal" disappears.目前,如果我点击“计算小计”按钮,“这是小计”的文本就会消失。 Can someone steer me in the right direction?有人可以引导我朝着正确的方向前进吗?

import Tkinter as tk
  import tkinter as tk

class GetInterfaceValues():
    def __init__(self):
    self.root = tk.Tk()
    self.button = tk.Button(self.root,
                            text='Calculate Subtotal',

    self.firstLabel = tk.Label(self.root, text="This is the subtotal:")



def getSubtotals(self):
    self.firstLabel["text"] = 55*10

 app = GetInterfaceValues()

You can simply change your getSubtotals method to retain the current text of firstLabel as the following:您可以简单地更改您的getSubtotals方法以保留firstLabel的当前文本,如下所示:

def getSubtotals(self):
    self.firstLabel["text"] = self.firstLabel["text"] + str(55 * 10)

Couple of suggestions:几个建议:

  • You might want to create another widget to show subtotal value other than firstLabel .您可能想要创建另一个小部件来显示除firstLabel之外的小计值。
  • You might want to restructure your class so that you only initialize the attributes in the init method您可能需要重组 class 以便仅在 init 方法中初始化属性
  • Please check the indentations and code formatting when asking questions to make it easier for others to inspect your code请在提问时检查缩进和代码格式,以便其他人更容易检查您的代码

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