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Azure BLOB 存储生命周期管理 - Append Blob 与块 blob

[英]Azure BLOB storage Life Cycle Management - Append Blob vs Block blob

I realize Azure Blob Storage Life Cycle Management supports only Block blobs.我意识到 Azure Blob 存储生命周期管理仅支持块 blob。 It doesn't support Append or Page blobs.它不支持 Append 或页面 blob。

A solution we are considering is to - do the crude way - of enumerating blobs in each of the containers from a logic app or function app, and deleting based on certain rules similar to Azure's storage Life Cycle Management, say, modified date is n days old.我们正在考虑的一个解决方案是 - 采用粗略的方式 - 从逻辑应用程序或 function 应用程序中枚举每个容器中的 blob,并根据类似于 Azure 存储生命周期管理的某些规则进行删除,例如,修改日期为 n 天老的。

Has anyone run into a similar requirement of cleaning up storage?有没有人遇到过清理存储的类似要求? Could anyone suggest a better way of implementing this?任何人都可以提出更好的实施方式吗?

Greatly appreciate it.非常感谢。

Thank you Athadu谢谢阿萨杜

The only way I can think of same as you mentioned, create a timer trigger function app or webjob.我能想到的唯一方法与您提到的相同,创建一个计时器触发器 function 应用程序或网络作业。

Here is the sample:这是示例:

Blob storage package: Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob, version 11.1.3 Blob 存储 package: Microsoft.Azure.Storage.Blob,版本 11.1.3

The sample code:示例代码:

    static void Main(string[] args)
        var connection_str = "xxxxx";
        CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connection_str);
        CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient=storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();

        //list all the containers
        var containers = cloudBlobClient.ListContainers();

        foreach (var container in containers)

            //find blobs whose type is CloudAppendBlob
            var blobs = container.ListBlobs("", useFlatBlobListing: true).OfType<CloudAppendBlob>();

            if (blobs.ToList().Count() <=0) continue;

            foreach (var blob in blobs)
                Console.WriteLine($"blob name is {blob.Name}");

                //add your own logic here
                //if condition use blob.Properties.LastModified



Hope it helps.希望能帮助到你。

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