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了解延迟过程调用 (DPC)

[英]Understanding deferred procedure call (DPC)

I am reading OS and CPU concepts for writing device driver and i came across "deferred procedure call (DPC)" and how kernel interacts with DPC and IRQL.我正在阅读用于编写设备驱动程序的操作系统和 CPU 概念,并且遇到了“延迟过程调用 (DPC)”以及 kernel 如何与 DPC 和 IRQL 交互。 I really appreciate a simple explanation of what it is and when it is used?我真的很感谢对它是什么以及何时使用它的简单解释?

I have read the official microsoft document and some other resources but i get more confused.我已经阅读了官方的微软文档和其他一些资源,但我变得更加困惑。

These are some of my resources:这些是我的一些资源:

What Are Deferred Procedure Calls? 什么是延迟过程调用?

Introduction to DPCs DPC 简介

Windows Internals Windows 内部结构

You can also look for irql definitions like this answers I think they are quite simple as well, Hope it help:你也可以寻找像这个答案这样的irql定义我认为它们也很简单,希望它有所帮助:

What is irql?什么是irql?

Why irql is important? 为什么irql很重要?

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