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寻找一个正则表达式可以拉出 Powershell 脚本中使用的所有 cmdlet 的列表

[英]Looking for a regex can that pull the list of all the cmdlets used inside a Powershell script

I am doing something like this:我正在做这样的事情:

$ScriptContent = get-content "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Scripts\SFB.ps1"
$ScriptContent -match '(?<N>.*)-(?<V>.*)'

Using regex to identify command invocations in PowerShell is a lost cause, consider just hooking straight into the parser engine instead (see inline comments):使用正则表达式来识别 PowerShell 中的命令调用是一个失败的原因,请考虑直接挂钩到解析器引擎(请参阅内联注释):

$scriptPath = "C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Scripts\SFB.ps1"

# Parse the script
$AST = [System.Management.Automation.Language.Parser]::ParseFile((Resolve-Path $scriptPath).ProviderPath, [ref]$null, [ref]$null)

# Now we use the AST to find all command invocations
  $args[0] -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.CommandAst]
}, $true) |ForEach-Object {
  # The first element is always the name
  $command = $_.CommandElements[0]

  # if the command name is a constant string, resolve it's value
  if($command -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.StringConstantExpressionAst]){
    $commandName = $command.Value
    $known = $true
  } else {
    # Otherwise, note that the name can only be known at runtime
    $commandName = "'{0}'" -f $command.Extent
    $known = $false

  # output new object with the information
    Name = $commandName
    Constant = $known
    File = $scriptPath
    Line = $command.Extent.StartLineNumber

If your script looks like this:如果您的脚本如下所示:


& "Get-Service"

$a = "Get-Item"

. $a 'C:\Windows'

You should expect the following output:您应该期待以下 output:

Name        Constant File                                   Line
----        -------- ----                                   ----
Get-Process     True C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Scripts\SFB.ps1    1
Get-Service     True C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Scripts\SFB.ps1    3
'$a'           False C:\Users\admin\Desktop\Scripts\SFB.ps1    7

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