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Jhipster - 检查用户的角色

[英]Jhipster - check Role of a User

I have the following method in UserResourse.java generated by default by Jhipster:我在Jhipster默认生成的UserResource.java中有以下方法:

@DeleteMapping("/users/{login:" + Constants.LOGIN_REGEX + "}")
@PreAuthorize("hasRole(\"" + AuthoritiesConstants.ADMIN + "\")")
public ResponseEntity<Void> deleteUser(@PathVariable String login) {
    log.debug("REST request to delete User: {}", login);

    return ResponseEntity.noContent().headers(HeaderUtil.createAlert(applicationName,  "userManagement.deleted", login)).build();

If the user to be deleted has a certain role I want to make other changes to the database.如果要删除的用户具有某个角色,我想对数据库进行其他更改。 I need to write something like:我需要写一些类似的东西:

Optional<User> user =  this.userService.findOneByLogin(login);
 // do something

The User class has an attribute Set<Authority> authorities and I am thinking that I can maybe use this to check the role of the user, but I cannot figure out how to do it.用户 class 有一个属性Set<Authority> authorities ,我想我可以用它来检查用户的角色,但我不知道该怎么做。 Can someone assist me?有人可以帮助我吗?

You can do this in many ways, I would delegate this behaviour to the service instead of the resource.您可以通过多种方式做到这一点,我会将这种行为委托给服务而不是资源。

One approach is to add a new method to your User.java class that checks whether the user has certain role.一种方法是向您的User.java class 添加一个新方法来检查用户是否具有特定角色。 Something like:就像是:

public boolean hasRole(String role) {
    return this.authorities.stream().map(Authority::getName).anyMatch(a -> a.equals(role));

And then call it from your UserService.java :然后从您的UserService.java调用它:

public void deleteUser(String login) {
    userRepository.findOneWithAuthoritiesByLogin(login).ifPresent(user -> {

        if (user.hasRole(AuthoritiesConstants.USER)){
            // Do your things here


        log.debug("Deleted User: {}", user);

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