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敏感数据进入查询参数 GET Api

[英]Sensitive data into query param GET Api

I have a REST GET API, like我有一个 REST GET API,比如

http://localhost:8080/users/ {userId}/assignments/{assignmentId} http://localhost:8080/users/ {userId}/assignments/{assignmentId}

Since, this is the GET call, so 'assignmentId' will get expose into URL while calling it.因为,这是 GET 调用,所以 'assignmentId' 将在调用时暴露到 URL 中。

This is the sensitive data for me & i don't want this to be expose publicly.这对我来说是敏感数据,我不希望这被公开。

How can i overcome with this.?我该如何克服这个。?

Here are my two cents.这是我的两分钱。 Have you considered switching the service to be a POST with a request body that contains the sensitive data?您是否考虑过将服务切换为带有包含敏感数据的请求正文的 POST? That will solve the problem around not exposing the query param.这将解决不公开查询参数的问题。 I have seen services that accept a POST which returns data, but most of them do that to support unbounded inputs (as in retrieving data of multiple IDs).我见过接受返回数据的 POST 的服务,但它们中的大多数这样做是为了支持无界输入(如检索多个 ID 的数据)。

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