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将 Windows IoT Core UWP (C# / XAML) 应用程序移植到 Linux

[英]Porting Windows IoT Core UWP (C# / XAML) application to Linux

I have a UWP application with a GUI, written in C# / XAML, currently running on Windows IoT Core.我有一个带有 GUI 的 UWP 应用程序,用 C# / XAML 编写,目前在 ZAEA23489CE3AA9B43006EBB28E0CD 上运行。 Since there is not a lot of support for Windows IoT Core anymore and updates are rare too, i have to port my application to another platform for the future.由于不再支持 Windows IoT Core 并且更新也很少,因此我必须将我的应用程序移植到另一个平台以备将来使用。 So when i run Linux (Raspbian) on my IoT devices, which is the best way, to port my current application to it?因此,当我在我的 IoT 设备上运行 Linux (Raspbian) 时,将我当前的应用程序移植到它的最佳方式是什么? Or is it even a good option, to run Android on my IoT devices and port my UWP application with Xamarin?或者,在我的物联网设备上运行 Android 并使用 Xamarin 移植我的 UWP 应用程序是一个不错的选择吗?

Since there is not a lot of support for Windows IoT Core anymore and updates are rare too由于不再支持 Windows IoT Core 并且更新也很少

This reads like a tabloid article, what exactly are you basing your assumptions on?这读起来像小报文章,你的假设到底是基于什么? At a glance, the.Net Core IOT library was last updated 3 days ago: https://github.com/dotnet/iot/commit/d67f974e29918ab3122af3d2d7775110c8d93acb一目了然,.Net Core IOT库最后一次更新是3天前: https://github.com/dotnet/iot/commit/d67f974e29918ab3122af3d2d7775110c8d93acb

which is the best way, to port my current application to it [Raspbian]?将我当前的应用程序移植到它 [Raspbian] 的最佳方式是什么?

Ironically, using the same IOT library you think isn't maintained anymore.具有讽刺意味的是,使用您认为不再维护的相同 IOT 库。 If you're asking about the GUI, you select all of it and delete, then start writing from scratch using your library of choice -- gtk#, Avalonia, Xamarin, whatever you want.如果您要询问 GUI,您将 select 全部删除,然后使用您选择的库从头开始编写 - gtk#、Avalonia、Xamarin,无论您想要什么。

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