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Cookie 总是 Null C# ASP.NET MVC

[英]Cookie is always Null C# ASP.NET MVC

I am using an AuthController with OnActionExecuting event that determines if the user logged in and if not then I send the user to the login page.我正在使用带有 OnActionExecuting 事件的 AuthController,该事件确定用户是否登录,如果没有,我将用户发送到登录页面。

public class AuthController : Controller
    protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)

        // load session
        var LoginSession = Session[Constants.USER_SESSION_NAME];

        // load cookie
        HttpCookie LoginCookie = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[Constants.USER_COOKIE];

        // create cookie from session 
        if (LoginSession != null && LoginCookie == null)
            var user = (UserLoginDto)LoginSession;


        // create session from cookie
        if (LoginSession == null)
            if (LoginCookie != null)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LoginCookie.Value))

        // if session does not exist send user to login page
        if (Session[Constants.USER_SESSION_NAME] == null)
            filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(
                new RouteValueDictionary
                    {"controller", "Login"},
                    {"action", "Index"}

    private void CreateSessionFromCookie(HttpCookie cookieObj)
        UserLoginDto userDto = new UserLoginDto();

        userDto.Id = Convert.ToInt32(cookieObj.Value.Split('&')[0]);                    

        userDto = UserRepository.Get(userDto.Id);

        Session.Add(Constants.USER_SESSION_NAME, userDto);        

    private HttpCookie CreateCookieFromSession(UserLoginDto user)
        HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies[Constants.USER_COOKIE];

        if (cookie == null)
            cookie = new HttpCookie(Constants.USER_COOKIE);
            cookie.Value = user.Id.ToString();
            cookie.Values.Add("Name", Encryptor.encryptString(user.Name));
            cookie.Values.Add("Type", Encryptor.encryptString(user.Type));
            cookie.Values.Add("Token", user.Token);
            cookie.Values.Add("ProfilePictureName", user.ProfilePictureName);
            cookie.Values.Add("ProfilePicturePath", user.ProfilePicturePath);

        cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1);


        return cookie;

Every other controller but login extends AuthController.每隔一个 controller 但登录扩展 AuthController。

public class HomeController : AuthController
    public ActionResult Index()
        return View();

The cookie is always Null when I try loading from the OnActionExecuting method.当我尝试从 OnActionExecuting 方法加载时,cookie 始终为 Null。 Can anyone spot the issue?谁能发现这个问题? I also tried creating the cookie in the LoginController, but still Null.我也尝试在 LoginController 中创建 cookie,但仍然是 Null。

Hopefully this will help another developer.希望这将有助于其他开发人员。 Finally figured it out.终于想通了。 I have commented out some of the values since I do not need them and they might have made the cookie value too big.我已经注释掉了一些值,因为我不需要它们,它们可能使 cookie 值太大。 All of the values together must have exceeded the max size allowed which is 4096 Bytes , i believe.我相信,所有值加在一起必须超过允许的最大大小,即4096 字节

private HttpCookie CreateCookieFromSession(UserLoginDto user)
    HttpCookie cookie = Request.Cookies[Constants.USER_COOKIE];

    if (cookie == null)
        cookie = new HttpCookie(Constants.USER_COOKIE);
        cookie.Value = user.Id.ToString();
        //cookie.Values.Add("Name", Encryptor.encryptString(user.Name));
        //cookie.Values.Add("Type", Encryptor.encryptString(user.Type));
        cookie.Values.Add("Token", user.Token);
        //cookie.Values.Add("ProfilePictureName", user.ProfilePictureName); 
        //cookie.Values.Add("ProfilePicturePath", user.ProfilePicturePath); // base64 string (might have caused the issue)

    cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddYears(1);


    return cookie;

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