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如何使用 LLBLGen Pro 将两个字符串连接成一个

[英]How can I concatenate two strings into one using LLBLGen Pro

As the error says, I think LLBLGen have their own custom functions but official documentation doesn't help much.正如错误所说,我认为LLBLGen有自己的自定义函数,但官方文档并没有太大帮助。 Is there any way to concatenate these two strings and make into one while LINQ querying?有什么方法可以在 LINQ 查询时将这两个字符串连接起来并合二为一?

   var viewModelCarrierDivisionQuery = from division in database.CarrierDivision
                                                    where division.CarrierId == carrierId
                                                    join carrier in database.Carrier
                                                    on division.CarrierId equals carrier.CarrierId
                                                    select new CarrierDetailViewModel.DivisionModel {
                                                        Id = division.CarrierDivisionId, 
                                                        Name = string.Join(" / ", carrier.Name, division.DivisionName)

SD.LLBLGen.Pro.ORMSupportClasses.ORMQueryConstructionException: 'Method call to 'Join' doesn't have a known mapped database function or other known handler.' 

What I have used is just a simple solution with plus name +" / "+name .我使用的只是一个简单的解决方案,加上name +" / "+name This works.这行得通。 Is there any better way out there?有没有更好的出路?

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