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Jira JQL:如何找到队列中最繁忙的时间?

[英]Jira JQL: how to find the busiest hours of a queue?

Jira Server v7.12.1#712002 Jira 服务器 v7.12.1#712002

We have noticed that at certain periods of the day there are more tickets assigned to "Operations" queue than usual, so we need to back this impression with real statistics.我们注意到,在一天中的某些时段,分配到“操作”队列的工单比平时多,因此我们需要用真实的统计数据来支持这种印象。

We extracted all the tickets that at some point were assigned to "Operations" queue via the following query:我们通过以下查询提取了在某个时候分配给“操作”队列的所有工单:

project = "Client Services" AND assignee WAS "Operations" 

The results of the query above include the timestamp value in the "Updated" field, however this field reflects the last time the ticket was updated - not what we want.上述查询的结果包括“更新”字段中的时间戳值,但是该字段反映了上次更新工单的时间——不是我们想要的。 We want a timestamp which shows when the ticket arrived to "Operations" queue.我们需要一个时间戳来显示票证何时到达“操作”队列。

The tickets can arrive in two ways:门票可以通过两种方式到达:

1) Ticket may come from other teams. 1) 门票可能来自其他团队。 In such cases, under History tab we can observe how 3 different fields change their values.在这种情况下,在 History 选项卡下,我们可以观察到 3 个不同的字段如何更改它们的值。 For example, if ticket comes from certain Joe Smith, it would look like this:例如,如果票来自某个 Joe Smith,它看起来像这样:

FIELD                                   ORIGINAL VALUE                           NEW VALUE

Joe Smith made changes - 09/04/2020 12:08

Assignee                                   Joe Smith                             Operations

2) Ticket may be created directly (by other teams). 2) 门票可以直接创建(由其他团队)。 In such cases the first 2 entries under History tab always have this pattern:在这种情况下,历史选项卡下的前 2 个条目始终具有以下模式:

Joe Smith created issue - 02/04/2020 19:27
Joe Smith made changes - 02/04/2020 19:27
FIELD                                     ORIGINAL VALUE                           NEW VALUE

Link                                                                        Referred from ABC-12345

The pattern above is that created issue and made changes always have the identical timestamps.上面的模式是created issuemade changes始终具有相同的时间戳。

Based on these examples, is there some way to extract the timestamps of all tickets' arrival to "Operations" queue?基于这些例子,有没有办法提取所有票到达“操作”队列的时间戳? If not with JQL, maybe some other solution/tool exists?如果不使用 JQL,是否存在其他解决方案/工具?

There can be two ways you could achieve most of what you've asked for:有两种方法可以实现您所要求的大部分内容:

  • Use Recently Created Chart JIRA gadget.使用最近创建的图表JIRA 小工具。

    • With this, you could get a clear picture of number of tickets that you'd get in an hour of a day.有了这个,您可以清楚地了解您在一天中的一个小时内获得的门票数量。
  • Or you could use the Created Vs Resolved built-in JIRA report或者您可以使用 Created Vs Resolved 内置 JIRA 报告

    • This helps in bringing out better information from the tickets, do some analysis etc.这有助于从票证中获取更好的信息,进行一些分析等。

You could find more details from this answer on Atlassian Community forum .您可以在Atlassian 社区论坛上的此答案中找到更多详细信息。 Hope this answer helps!希望这个答案有帮助!

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