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drupal 在本地设置 6 个站点,它正在重定向到生产站点

[英]drupal 6 site setup in local it's redirecting to production site

I am tried to setup the production site into my local system by copying the source code files and imported DB into my local system successfully.我试图通过复制源代码文件并将数据库成功导入我的本地系统来将生产站点设置到我的本地系统中。

When I tried to access the local site from browser like localhost/foldername it redirecting to production site.当我尝试从 localhost/foldername 之类的浏览器访问本地站点时,它会重定向到生产站点。 I want to access to my local system.我想访问我的本地系统。

Please can any one let me know how can I solve this issue.请任何人告诉我如何解决这个问题。

Check in settings file if there domain of original file hard-coded somewhere.如果原始文件的域在某处硬编码,请检查设置文件。 File should be at: sites/default/settings.php文件应位于: sites/default/settings.php

Also check if maybe redirection is made from .htaccess file located in site root folder.还要检查是否可能从位于站点根文件夹中的.htaccess文件进行重定向。

If you don't find it there simply search trough all the files and database dump file and look for domain name.如果您没有找到它,只需搜索所有文件和数据库转储文件并查找域名。

Change it to your local domain name.将其更改为您的本地域名。

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