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Email 来自 Bytes 的列表

[英]Email list from Bytes

I want extract list all autocomplete email addresses in outlook 2016 (office 365) using C#. I am using following code:我想使用 C# 提取 outlook 2016(office 365)中的所有自动完成 email 地址。我正在使用以下代码:

    NameSpace olNS = this.Application.GetNamespace("MAPI");
    MAPIFolder inboxFolder = olNS.GetDefaultFolder(OlDefaultFolders.olFolderInbox);
    StorageItem storage = inboxFolder.GetStorage("IPM.Configuration.Autocomplete", OlStorageIdentifierType.olIdentifyByMessageClass);
    PropertyAccessor propertyAcc = storage.PropertyAccessor;
    byte[] bytes = (byte[])propertyAcc.GetProperty("http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/0x7C090102");

Now how to extract email from bytes.现在如何从字节中提取 email。


The binary format is described in the document . 文件中描述了二进制格式。

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