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使用 webpack 4(和 webpack-dev-server)将 css 注入到多个 html 文件中

[英]Injecting css into multiple html files with webpack 4 (and webpack-dev-server)

I've got my css and js being injected into dist/index.html and dist/jobs.html in production, but it only seems to inject the css into index.html when using webpack-dev-server I've got my css and js being injected into dist/index.html and dist/jobs.html in production, but it only seems to inject the css into index.html when using webpack-dev-server

I'm trying to use multiple instances of HtmlWebpackPlugin() as mentioned here and in the HtmlWebpackPlugin docs我正在尝试使用此处和 HtmlWebpackPlugin 文档中提到的 HtmlWebpackPlugin() 的多个实例

Here's my webpack.dev.js file which I'm having the problem with ( "start": "webpack-dev-server --config webpack.dev.js --hot --open chrome" ):这是我遇到问题的 webpack.dev.js 文件( "start": "webpack-dev-server --config webpack.dev.js --hot --open chrome" ):

module.exports = merge(common, {
mode: "development",
output: {
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist'),
    filename: 'js/bundle.js'
module: {
    rules: [
            test: /\.scss$/,
            use: ['style-loader', 'css-loader', 'sass-loader']


and the common one:和常见的:

const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
    entry: './src/js/app.js',
    module: {
        rules: [
                test: /\.js$/,
                exclude: /node_modules/,
                use: {
                    loader: 'babel-loader'
                test: /\.html$/,
                use: ["html-loader"]
                test: /\.(png|jpeg|jpg|gif)$/,
                use: {
                    loader: 'file-loader',
                    options: {
                        name: '[name].[hash:5].[ext]',
                        outputPath: './images/'
                test: /\.svg$/,
                use: {
                    loader: 'file-loader',
                    options: {
                        name: '[name].[ext]',
                        outputPath: './svg/'
    plugins: [
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            filename: 'index.html',
            template: 'src/index.html'
        new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
            filename: 'jobs.html',
            template: 'src/jobs.html'

Can anyone see what I might be missing?谁能看到我可能缺少的东西? Is there an easy way for me to check what might be going wrong?有没有一种简单的方法可以让我检查可能出了什么问题? I'm pretty new with webpack.我对 webpack 很陌生。 Thanks谢谢

*Edit: *编辑:

Webpack output: Webpack output:

Version: webpack 4.42.1
Time: 3463ms
Built at: 2020-04-24 02:24:08
                          Asset      Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
images/atlassian-logo.31125.png  6.75 KiB          [emitted]
  images/dropbox-logo.7ce30.png  3.52 KiB          [emitted]
         images/legal.5f3dd.png  4.82 KiB          [emitted]
 images/logitech-logo.f75ce.png  3.67 KiB          [emitted]
                     index.html  14.7 KiB          [emitted]
                      jobs.html  1.86 KiB          [emitted]
                   js/bundle.js   684 KiB    main  [emitted]  main
            svg/spritesheet.svg  12.8 KiB          [emitted]
Entrypoint main = js/bundle.js
[0] multi (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8081 (webpack)/hot/dev-server.js ./src/js/app.js 52 bytes {main} [built]
[./node_modules/core-js/modules/es.array.concat.js] 2.34 KiB {main} [built]
[./node_modules/core-js/modules/es.object.define-property.js] 403 bytes {main} [built]
[./node_modules/lodash.debounce/index.js] 10.5 KiB {main} [built]
[./node_modules/strip-ansi/index.js] 161 bytes {main} [built]
[./node_modules/webpack-dev-server/client/index.js?http://localhost:8081] (webpack)-dev-server/client?http://localhost:8081 4.29 KiB {main} [built]
[./node_modules/webpack-dev-server/client/overlay.js] (webpack)-dev-server/client/overlay.js 3.51 KiB {main} [built]
[./node_modules/webpack-dev-server/client/socket.js] (webpack)-dev-server/client/socket.js 1.53 KiB {main} [built]
[./node_modules/webpack-dev-server/client/utils/createSocketUrl.js] (webpack)-dev-server/client/utils/createSocketUrl.js 2.91 KiB {main} [built]
[./node_modules/webpack-dev-server/client/utils/log.js] (webpack)-dev-server/client/utils/log.js 964 bytes {main} [built]
[./node_modules/webpack-dev-server/client/utils/reloadApp.js] (webpack)-dev-server/client/utils/reloadApp.js 1.59 KiB {main} [built]
[./node_modules/webpack-dev-server/client/utils/sendMessage.js] (webpack)-dev-server/client/utils/sendMessage.js 402 bytes {main} [built]
[./node_modules/webpack/hot sync ^\.\/log$] (webpack)/hot sync nonrecursive ^\.\/log$ 170 bytes {main} [built]
[./node_modules/webpack/hot/dev-server.js] (webpack)/hot/dev-server.js 1.59 KiB {main} [built]
[./src/js/app.js] 6.22 KiB {main} [built]
    + 159 hidden modules
Child html-webpack-plugin for "index.html":
                              Asset      Size  Chunks             Chunk Names
    images/atlassian-logo.31125.png  6.75 KiB          [emitted]
      images/dropbox-logo.7ce30.png  3.52 KiB          [emitted]
             images/legal.5f3dd.png  4.82 KiB          [emitted]
     images/logitech-logo.f75ce.png  3.67 KiB          [emitted]
     + 1 hidden asset
    Entrypoint undefined = index.html
    [./node_modules/html-loader/dist/runtime/getUrl.js] 548 bytes {0} [built]
    [./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/index.html] 16.5 KiB {0} [built]
    [./src/assets/company-logos/atlassian-logo.png] 75 bytes {0} [built]
    [./src/assets/company-logos/dropbox-logo.png] 73 bytes {0} [built]
    [./src/assets/company-logos/logitech-logo.png] 74 bytes {0} [built]
    [./src/assets/legal.png] 66 bytes {0} [built]
Child html-webpack-plugin for "jobs.html":
     1 asset
    Entrypoint undefined = jobs.html
    [./node_modules/html-webpack-plugin/lib/loader.js!./src/jobs.html] 2 KiB {0} [built]
i 「wdm」: Compiled successfully.

For comparison here is my webpack.prod.js config which inserts the css and js into all files fine ( "build": "webpack --config webpack.prod.js" )为了进行比较,这里是我的 webpack.prod.js 配置,它将 css 和 js 插入到所有文件中( "build": "webpack --config webpack.prod.js" )。

module.exports = merge(common, {
    mode: "production",
    output: {
        filename: 'js/bundle.js',
        path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist')
    module: {
        rules: [
                test: /\.scss$/,
                use: [
    plugins: [

        new MiniCssExtractPlugin({
            filename: '[name].[contentHash].css'
        new CleanWebpackPlugin({
            cleanOnceBeforeBuildPatterns: ['./js/*', './svg/*', './*.css', './images/*']

You have an error here你这里有错误

plugins: [
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
        filename: './index.html',
        template: './src/index.html'
    new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
        filename: './jobs.html',
        template: './src/jobs.html'

Filenames should not be relative, use instead filename: 'index.html' and filename: 'jobs.html'文件名不应该是相对的,而是使用filename: 'index.html'filename: 'jobs.html'

If you dont import css files in js/ts files, then you need CopyWebpackPlugin to copy styles in public directory.如果不导入js/ts文件中的css文件,则需要CopyWebpackPlugin将styles复制到公共目录。 https://webpack.js.org/plugins/copy-webpack-plugin/ https://webpack.js.org/plugins/copy-webpack-plugin/

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