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XmlSerializer 按属性过滤

[英]XmlSerializer filter by attribute

When deserializing an XML to an entity class using XmlSerializer, is it possible to filter by an attribute?使用 XmlSerializer 将 XML 反序列化为实体 class 时,是否可以按属性进行过滤? For example, let's say I have an item which can be of type "a" or type "b".例如,假设我有一个可以是“a”类型或“b”类型的项目。 I want to deserialize all items but only those of type "a".我想反序列化所有项目,但只有“a”类型的项目。

I need this because my real situation is that our endpoint receives very big XMLs (some can be upwards of 100MB) with hundreds of thousands of tags of type <item> but I need only some of them - those of type "a".我需要这个,因为我的实际情况是我们的端点接收非常大的 XML(有些可能超过 100MB),其中包含数十万个<item>类型的标签,但我只需要其中的一些 - “a”类型的标签。 I want to avoid allocations for the rest (including their child tags which are not few).我想避免分配给 rest(包括他们的子标签,这些标签并不多)。

Example XML:示例 XML:

  <item type="a"/>
  <item type="a"/>
  <item type="b"/>
  <item type="c"/>


public class Root {
    public Item[] Items { get; set; }
public class Item  {
    [DeserializeIfValueIs("a")] // <-- Is there something like this?
    public string Type { get; set; }


var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Root));
var dto = (Root) serializer.Deserialize(XmlReader.Create("input.xml"));
// Show the results - {"Items":[{"Type":"a"},{"Type":"a"},{"Type":"b"},{"Type":"c"}]}

How do I make it allocate objects only for type "a" items?如何让它只为“a”类型的项目分配对象?

Obligatory note: This is neither an XY problem nor premature optimization.强制性说明:这既不是 XY 问题,也不是过早优化。 We have identified that we need to improve performance in this with profiling and so on.我们已经确定我们需要通过分析等来提高这方面的性能。 Also filtering out the values post-deserialization doesn't help - by that time the allocations have already been made and will have to be garbage-collected.同样过滤掉反序列化后的值也无济于事 - 到那时分配已经完成并且必须进行垃圾收集。

This is possible by handling the de-serialization process ourselves (at least for the root class)这可以通过我们自己处理反序列化过程来实现(至少对于根类)

Please let me remind you that the XML content you provided is insufficient to run unit tests on, so this is a very basic implementation which, however, should work for you directly or by just tweaking a little bit over here and there.请让我提醒您,您提供的 XML 内容不足以运行单元测试,所以这是一个非常基本的实现,但是应该直接为您工作,或者只是在这里和那里稍微调整一下。

First of all, we change our Item class XML serialization attribute to root.首先,我们将 Item class XML 序列化属性更改为 root。 The "Why" will be answered soon. “为什么”很快就会得到回答。

public class Item
    public string Type { get; set; }

    public int Prop1 { get; set; }

I've also added a simple integer property to prove that the deserialization works as expected.我还添加了一个简单的 integer 属性来证明反序列化按预期工作。

I also changed the XML content to match the new type, for testing.我还更改了 XML 内容以匹配新类型,以进行测试。

  <item type="b">
  <item type="a">
  <item type="a">
  <item type="b">
  <item type="c">

And now comes the Root class, which implements IXmlSerializable explicitly now:现在出现了 Root class,它现在显式地实现了 IXmlSerializable:

public class Root : IXmlSerializable
    public Item[] Items { get; set; }

    // These two methods are not implemented for you need to deserialize only,
    // and because you haven't provided the schema for your XML content
    System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchema IXmlSerializable.GetSchema() { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
    void IXmlSerializable.WriteXml(System.Xml.XmlWriter writer) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }

    void IXmlSerializable.ReadXml(System.Xml.XmlReader reader)
        // The element is <root> when here for the first time.

        // Maintain a list to keep items with type "a"
        List<Item> typeAItems = new List<Item>();

        // Create a serializer for the type Item
        XmlSerializer deserializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Item));

        while (reader.Read())
            // The code is self explanatory.
            // Skip() will help omitting unnecessary reads
            // if we are not interested in the Item
            if (reader.IsStartElement() && reader.Name == "item")
                if (reader.GetAttribute("type") == "a")
                    // This works, and deserializes the current node
                    // into an Item object. When the deserialization
                    // is completed, the reader is at the beginning
                    // of the next <Item> element
                    // skip element with all its children
                // skip element with all its children
        Items = typeAItems.ToArray();

The deserialization logic is kept the same, like new XmlSerializer(typeof(Root)).Deserialize().反序列化逻辑保持不变,如 new XmlSerializer(typeof(Root)).Deserialize()。

The rest.. is to test. rest.. 用于测试。

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