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React-Static 在页面更改时滚动到顶部

[英]React-Static scroll to top on page change

Is there a way to scroll to the top when the page change with react-static?当页面使用 react-static 更改时,有没有办法滚动到顶部? I'm using @reach/router which is include by default with react-static .我正在使用@reach/router ,它默认包含在react-static中。

I've already tried this:我已经尝试过这个:

<Router onChange={window.scrollTo(0,0)}>
   <Routes path="*"/>

ans this (from this issue ) ans this (from this issue )

<Router history={history} autoScrollToTop={true}>
   <Routes path="*"/>

but both did not work.但两者都没有工作。

The last solution was mentionned in the react-static doc but seems to be deprecate since it is not longer in the doc. react-static 文档中提到了最后一个解决方案,但似乎已弃用,因为它不再在文档中。

You need to create a new component Scrolltotop.js您需要创建一个新组件Scrolltotop.js

import { useEffect } from 'react'
import { useLocation } from '@reach/router'

export default function Scrolltotop () {
  const { pathname } = useLocation()

  useEffect(() => {
    window.scrollTo(0, 0)
  }, [pathname])

  return null

and import it to App.js并将其导入App.js

import Scrolltotop from './components/Scrolltotop'

and add it to the App function:并将其添加到应用程序 function:

function App () {
  return (
        <Routes path="*"/>

try having a component that handles the scroll for you and lives above your app component.尝试让一个组件为您处理滚动并位于您的应用程序组件之上。


import ManageScroll from './ManageScroll';
ReactDOM.render(<Fragment><ManageScroll/><App/></Fragment>, node);

ManageScroll.js: ManageScroll.js:

import React from "react";
import { Location } from "@reach/router";

let scrollPositions = {};

class ManageScrollImpl extends React.Component {
  componentDidMount() {
    try {
      // session storage will throw for a few reasons
      // - user settings
      // - in-cognito/private browsing
      // - who knows...
      let storage = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("scrollPositions"));
      if (storage) {
        scrollPositions = JSON.parse(storage) || {};
        let { key } = this.props.location;
        if (scrollPositions[key]) {
          window.scrollTo(0, scrollPositions[key]);
    } catch (e) {}

    window.addEventListener("scroll", this.listener);

  componentWillUnmount() {
    window.removeEventListener("scroll", this.listener);

  componentDidUpdate() {
    const { key } = this.props.location;
    if (!scrollPositions[key]) {
      // never seen this location before
      window.scrollTo(0, 0);
    } else {
      // seen it
      window.scrollTo(0, scrollPositions[key]);

  listener = () => {
    scrollPositions[this.props.location.key] = window.scrollY;
    try {
    } catch (e) {}

  render() {
    return null;

export default () => (
    {({ location }) => <ManageScrollImpl location={location} />}

check out this gist for further info https://gist.github.com/ryanflorence/39a37a85254159fd7a5ca54027e175dc查看这个要点了解更多信息

hope this helps!希望这可以帮助!

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