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Javascript function 在添加图像时停止工作

[英]Javascript function stops working when image added

I'm trying to make a pdf generation tool and it works except when i'm adding a picture to div.encabezado I've tried using other elements like a div with inline background image and i also tried with it's own section but everytime i get it to look like i need it stops generating the pdf.我正在尝试制作一个 pdf 生成工具,它可以工作,除非我将图片添加到 div.encabezado让它看起来像我需要它停止生成 pdf。 I know the code is right cause if i change or uncomment the image src or change the div id it will work properly我知道代码是正确的,因为如果我更改或取消注释图像 src 或更改 div id,它将正常工作

/* Style the header */
header {
  background-color: #fff;
  text-align: center;
  font-size: 35px;
  color: black;

    backgroundImage: url("sgh.png");

/* Style the footer */
footer {
  background-color: #777;
  padding: 10px;
  text-align: center;
  color: white;

/* Responsive layout - makes the two columns/boxes stack on top of each other instead of next to each other, on small screens */
@media (max-width: 600px) {
  nav, article {
    width: 100%;
    height: auto;

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jspdf/1.3.3/jspdf.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://html2canvas.hertzen.com/dist/html2canvas.js"></script>

function getPDF(){

 var HTML_Width = $(".canvas_div_pdf").width();
 var HTML_Height = $(".canvas_div_pdf").height();
 var top_left_margin = 15;
 var PDF_Width = HTML_Width+(top_left_margin*2);
 var PDF_Height = (PDF_Width*1.5)+(top_left_margin*2);
 var canvas_image_width = HTML_Width;
 var canvas_image_height = HTML_Height;

 var totalPDFPages = Math.ceil(HTML_Height/PDF_Height)-1;

 html2canvas($(".canvas_div_pdf")[0],{allowTaint:true}).then(function(canvas) {

 console.log(canvas.height+"  "+canvas.width);

 var imgData = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0);
 var pdf = new jsPDF('p', 'pt',  [PDF_Width, PDF_Height]);
     pdf.addImage(imgData, 'JPG', top_left_margin, top_left_margin,canvas_image_width,canvas_image_height);

 for (var i = 1; i <= totalPDFPages; i++) { 
 pdf.addPage(PDF_Width, PDF_Height);
 pdf.addImage(imgData, 'JPG', top_left_margin, -(PDF_Height*i)+(top_left_margin*4),canvas_image_width,canvas_image_height);

 <div class="canvas_div_pdf">

 <div id="encabezado">
//<image src="sgh.png">

 <div style="height:120px;width:120px;border:1px solid;overflow:auto;">
As you can see, once there's enough text in this box, the box will grow scroll bars... that's why we call it a scroll box! You could also place an image into the scroll box.
 <div style="height:120px;width:120px;border:1px solid;overflow:auto;">
As you can see, once there's enough text in this box, the box will grow scroll bars... that's why we call it a scroll box! You could also place an image into the scroll box.


<button onclick="getPDF()">Click me</button> 

You can try to add this option to the html2canvas options:您可以尝试将此选项添加到 html2canvas 选项中:

foreignObjectRendering: true

You can find more details here: https://html2canvas.hertzen.com/configuration/ Also, check this other article: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/CORS_enabled_image which may help you understand what is happening.您可以在此处找到更多详细信息: https://html2canvas.hertzen.com/configuration/另外,请查看其他文章: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/CORS_enabled_image这可能会有所帮助你明白发生了什么。

In addition, if you are testing this locally check your web server configuration and cors settings.此外,如果您在本地进行测试,请检查您的 web 服务器配置和 cors 设置。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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