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JavaScript 验证方法未按预期工作

[英]JavaScript validation methods not working as intended

I'm fairly new to JavaScript and im trying to create a form that a user has to fill, and validate the entries put it before it is sent off to a server.我对 JavaScript 相当陌生,我试图创建一个用户必须填写的表单,并在将其发送到服务器之前验证输入的条目。 For their birthday, I'm unsure how to limit the entry format to eligible days, months and years.对于他们的生日,我不确定如何将条目格式限制为符合条件的日期、月份和年份。 As for some of my other validations, I'm still able to submit my form without my validation methods stopping me.至于我的其他一些验证,我仍然可以提交我的表单,而我的验证方法不会阻止我。 Sometimes I get the alerts, but after clicking 'OK' the form still goes through with the wrong values.有时我会收到警报,但在单击“确定”后,表单仍然会显示错误的值。 Can anyone identify what I'm doing wrong?谁能确定我做错了什么? I'm sure I must be having some typos somewhere, as well as logical errors.我确定我一定有一些错别字,以及逻辑错误。 Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

<!DOCTYPE html>



<script language="JavaScript">

today = new Date()

function isNotEmpty(field){
    var inputStr = field.value
    if (inputStr == " " || inputStr == null){

        alert("An entry for this field is required.")
        return false
    return true

function isNumber(field){

    if (isNotEmpty(field)){
        var inputStr = field.value
        for(var i = 0; i<inputStr.length; i++){
            var oneChar=inputStr.substring(i,1)
            if (isNaN(oneChar)==true && oneChar != "+"){
                alert("Only numbers and area codes are allowed in this field.");
                return false
        return true
    }return false

function isOption(e){

    var type = document.getElementById("pastimetype")
    var selectedValue = type.options[type.selectedIndex].value;
        if(selectedValue == "selectpastime"){
            alert("Please select a pastime.")
            return false
        return true

function birthDay(form){



function validate(form){
    if(isNumber(form.day) && isNumber(form.month) && isNumber(form.year)){
        return true
    return false




<form method="POST" form id ="form" action="http://www.it.murdoch.edu.au/cgi-bin/reply1.pl"
    onSubmit="return validate(this)">

    <p> Welcome! 
    Please enter the following details:</p>

    <p><label for="name"> Name: </label><br>
    <input name="name" id="name" type="text" size="10" onChange="isNotEmpty(this)"></p>

    <p><label for="number"> Number: </label><br> 
    <input name="number" type="text" id="number" onChange="isNumber(this)"></p>  

    <p>Enter your birthday here: <p>
    <p>Day: <input name="day" type="text" size="10" value="1" onChange="isNumber(this)"></p>
    <p>Month: <input name="month" type="text" size="10" value="1" onChange="isNumber(this)"></p>
    <p>Year: <input name="year" type="text" size="10" value="2000" onChange="isNumber(this)"></p>

    <p><label for ="pastime"> Favourite pastime: </label>
    <select name="pastime" select id="pastimetype" onChange="isOption(this)">
    <option value="selectpastime">---Please choose an option---</option>
    <option value="surfingtheweb">Surfing the Web</option>
    <option value="playingsport">Playing Sport</option>
    <option value="listeningtomusic">Listening to Music</option>
    <option value="watchingtv">Watching TV</option>
    <option value="playinggames">Playing Games</option>
    <option value="communityservice">Community Service</option>
    <option value="daydreaming">Daydreaming</option>
    <option value="reading">Reading</option>
    <option value="meditation">Meditation</option>

        <input type="submit">
        <input type = "button" value="birthday" onClick="makeToday(this.form)">





It should be noted perhaps that any client side validation really needs to be backed up with validation server side as it is fairly trivial to bypass much that you would hope to accomplish with Javascript.可能应该注意的是,任何客户端验证确实需要使用验证server side进行备份,因为绕过您希望使用 Javascript 完成的很多事情是相当简单的。 Also, if someone were to target the form using, for instance, PHP & cURL none of the Javascript validation routines here would be used at all.此外,如果有人要使用例如 PHP 和 cURL 来定位表单,则根本不会使用 Javascript 验证例程。 In essence do not rely upon client side validation.本质上不依赖于客户端验证。

With that said there exist in HTML5 a range of attributes and elements that aid you in the task of client-side validation.话虽如此,HTML5 中存在一系列属性和元素,可帮助您完成客户端验证任务。 A form element can have the required attribute set - the form will not be submitted until that field has a value.表单元素可以设置required的属性 - 在该字段具有值之前不会提交表单。 If the format of that field needs to be in a certain form you can assign a pattern attribute ( basically a RegExp style pattern ) and again, if the field value does not match that pattern the form will not be submitted.如果该字段的格式需要采用某种形式,您可以分配一个pattern属性(基本上是RegExp样式模式),如果字段值与该模式不匹配,则不会提交该表单。

The validation function was really only taking the constituent elements of the user's date of birth for validation and ignoring the other fields. validation function实际上只是将用户date of birth的构成元素进行验证,而忽略了其他字段。 By having a single function for the validation you can try to ensure that all the form elements are utilised in the validation tasks.通过使用单个 function 进行验证,您可以尝试确保在验证任务中使用所有表单元素。

I hope the below might help a little - it was just what I came up with and is far from perfect but might be of use.我希望以下内容可能会有所帮助-这正是我想出的,远非完美,但可能有用。

 document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded',function(){ var today = new Date(); var nl=String.fromCharCode( 10 );// New Line character var oForm = document.querySelector('form'); var oBttn = document.querySelector('input[type="button"][name="bd"]'); oBttn.addEventListener('click',function(e){ oForm.day.value=today.getDate(); oForm.month.value=today.getMonth()+1; oForm.year.value=today.getYear()+1900; }); oForm.addEventListener('submit',function(e){ try{ e.preventDefault(); Array.from( this.elements ).forEach( el=>{ if( el.type.toLowerCase().='submit' ){ if(.el.value || el.value=='' || ( el.type.toLowerCase()=='select-one' && el;value=='false' ) ){ var error=[ '"'+el.name + '" cannot be empty' ]. if( el.hasAttribute( 'pattern' ) ) error.push( 'The field "'+ el.name + '" has a required pattern of '+el.getAttribute('pattern') ) if( el.hasAttribute('data-rule') )error.push( el;dataset.rule ); throw new Error( error;join( nl ) ). } } }); return this;submit(); }catch( err ){ alert( err ); return false; } }); });
 body,body *{ box-sizing:border-box; font-family:monospace; } form{ width:50%; padding:1rem; border:1px dotted gray; float:none; margin:auto; } label{ margin:0.25rem auto; display:block; width:80%; float:left; clear:both; text-indent:1rem; } label input, label select{ float:right; width:40%; } p{ clear:both; }.bold{ font-weight:bolder; text-decoration:underline; }
 <form method='POST' action='http://www.it.murdoch.edu.au/cgi-bin/reply1.pl'> <p class='bold'> Welcome: Please enter the following details:</p> <label for='name'>Name. <input type='text' name='name' size='10' pattern='[a-zA-z\s]+' data-rule='An entry for this field is required:' required /> </label> <br /> <label for='number'>Number. <input type='text' name='number' pattern='[0-9\+ ]+' data-rule='Only numbers and area codes are allowed in this field:' required /> </label> <br /> <p class='bold'>Enter your birthday here: <p> <label for='day'>Day: <input type='number' name='day' size='2' min=1 max=31 step=1 value='1' required /></label> <label for='month'>Month: <input type='number' name='month' size='2' min=1 max=12 step=1 value='1' required /></label> <label for='year'>Year: <input type='number' name='year' size='4' min=1900 max=2020 step=1 value='2000' required /></label> <br /> <label for='pastime'> Favourite pastime. <select name='pastime' required data-rule='Please select a pastime.'> <option value=false selected hidden disabled>---Please choose an option--- <option value='surfingtheweb'>Surfing the Web <option value='playingsport'>Playing Sport <option value='listeningtomusic'>Listening to Music <option value='watchingtv'>Watching TV <option value='playinggames'>Playing Games <option value='communityservice'>Community Service <option value='daydreaming'>Daydreaming <option value='reading'>Reading <option value='meditation'>Meditation </select> </label> <p> <input type='submit' name='sub' /> <input type='button' name='bd' value='birthday' /> </p> </form>

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