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通过谷歌助手实现 android 应用程序操作的问题

[英]Issue in implementing android app actions via google assistant

I want to call my apps setting page via google assistant.我想通过谷歌助手调用我的应用设置页面。 Or any page from google assistant.或者来自谷歌助手的任何页面。 Like " Open Settings in MyDemoApp ", " Create an Object in MyDemoApp ", " Create an Object with price 25$ In MyDemoApp".比如“在 MyDemoApp 中打开设置”、“在 MyDemoApp 中创建 Object”、“在 MyDemoApp 中创建价格为 25 美元的 Object”。

I already have deeps links.我已经有深层链接。 I tried SliceProvider and somehow it's not working at all.我尝试了 SliceProvider,但不知何故它根本不起作用。 I want to implement App Actions but Dialogflow is too complicated.我想实现 App Actions 但 Dialogflow 太复杂了。

I tried creating conversation but I don't want that.我尝试创建对话,但我不希望那样。 I want my app to open via the assistant command directly without any conversation.我希望我的应用程序直接通过助手命令打开,无需任何对话。 For example: "Open Main Page in MyDemoApp", "Open Report Page in MyDemoApp".例如:“在 MyDemoApp 中打开主页”、“在 MyDemoApp 中打开报表页面”。

You do not need to use Dialogflow to implement App Actions for your Android app.您无需使用 Dialogflow 为您的 Android 应用程序实施应用程序操作。 What you're looking for is likely this built-in intent that you can leverage:您正在寻找的可能是您可以利用的内置意图:

https://developers.google.com/assistant/app/reference/built-in-intents/common/open-app-feature https://developers.google.com/assistant/app/reference/built-in-intents/common/open-app-feature

You should be able to map your deep links to the different screens in your app to trigger via the open app feature built-in intent.您应该能够 map 将您的深层链接指向您的应用程序中的不同屏幕,以通过打开应用程序功能内置的意图触发。

https://developers.google.com/assistant/app/get-started should help you get started. https://developers.google.com/assistant/app/get-started应该可以帮助您入门。

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