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[英]How to use titanium inspector using titanium 5.2.2?

I am using Appcelerator titanium CLI to build ios app.我正在使用 Appcelerator Titan CLI 构建 ios 应用程序。 I want to debug the app With Chrome DevTools but it seems like it's not compatible with the version which I have installed currently.我想使用 Chrome DevTools 调试应用程序,但它似乎与我当前安装的版本不兼容。 As per ti-inspector documentation, I have installed the node package by the below command.根据 ti-inspector 文档,我已经通过以下命令安装了节点 package。

npm install -g ti-inspector

So, When I tried this into my titanium project directory I am getting this response which is unexpected.所以,当我在我的钛项目目录中尝试这个时,我得到了这个出乎意料的响应。


Unexpected error: undefined

NOTE: titanium version - 5.2.2注意:钛版 - 5.2.2

Useful GitHub link: https://github.com/omorandi/TiInspector有用的 GitHub 链接: https://github.com/omorandi/TiInspector

Need help to understand or mitigate this issue.需要帮助来理解或缓解此问题。 Thanks in advance.!!.提前致谢。!!。

That repo is 5 years old and might not be compatible with the current SDK.该仓库已有 5 年历史,可能与当前的 SDK 不兼容。 You can use this instruction: https://docs.axway.com/bundle/Appcelerator_Studio_allOS_en/page/debugging_android_apps_with_3rd-party_tools.html to use the internal dev tools connection.您可以使用此指令: https://docs.axway.com/bundle/Appcelerator_Studio_allOS_en/page/debugging_android_apps_with_3rd-party_tools.html使用内部开发工具连接。

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