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Laravel 分页属于ToMany 关系?

[英]Laravel paginate belongsToMany relationship?

I would like to paginate my results I get from my relationship.我想对我从我的关系中得到的结果进行分页。 I have a products table/controller, a users table/controller and a markedProducts table.我有一个产品表/控制器、一个用户表/控制器和一个标记产品表。 However, I don't have a markedProducts table because I don't actually need it.但是,我没有markedProducts 表,因为我实际上并不需要它。 I use this solution to get all marked products of one user in my user model:我使用此解决方案在我的用户 model 中获取一个用户的所有标记产品:

public function markedProducts(){    
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Product', 'products_marks');

My question now is how can I paginate my results and my second question is how can I get the created_at value of each row in my markedProducts table?我现在的问题是如何对结果进行分页我的第二个问题是如何获取标记产品表中每一行的created_at值?

Because my solution is only returning the marked products.因为我的解决方案是只退回标记的产品。 However, I would like to show the user when he has marked the product.但是,我想在用户标记产品时向他展示。

So far I had this idea:到目前为止,我有这个想法:

$markedProducts = DB::table('products_marks')->where('user_id', Auth::id())->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->paginate(2);
$products = Product::whereIn('id', $markedProducts->lists('product_id'));

However, ->lists() is not a method anymore and I actually don't want to bypass the Laravel methods and I don't want to loop through my pagination to get an array with all product_id 's.但是, ->lists()不再是一种方法,实际上我不想绕过 Laravel 方法,也不想循环通过分页来获取包含所有product_id的数组。

Do you guys have any good and performant solution?你们有什么好的和高性能的解决方案吗?

Kind regards and thank you!亲切的问候,谢谢!

Auth::user() will return the authenticated user. Auth::user()将返回经过身份验证的用户。

And use relationship method markedProducts() to get the query of products.并使用关系方法markedProducts()来获取产品的查询。

And then orderBy the column created_at of pivot table.然后按orderBy表的created_at列排序。

At last, apply paginate to this eloquent builder.最后,对这个 eloquent 构建器应用分页。

Auth::user()->markedProducts()->orderBy('products_marks.created_at', 'DESC')->paginate($limit);

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