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UWP - 未调用来自 DataGrid 的命令

[英]UWP - Command from DataGrid is not called

UWP Application (Important because there is no AncestorType) I can't bind command (neither other values) of the ViewModel from a DataGridTemplateColumn. UWP 应用程序(重要,因为没有 AncestorType) 我无法从 DataGridTemplateColumn 绑定 ViewModel 的命令(也没有其他值)。 Here is my current code (i have tried, literally everything)这是我当前的代码(我已经尝试过,几乎所有内容)

            ItemsSource="{Binding ProviderOrders}">
                <controls:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Actions" Width="*">
                            <Button Content="Modifier" Command="{Binding DataContext.EditOrderCommand, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Mode=Self}}" CommandParameter="{Binding}" Style="{StaticResource PrimaryButton}"/>

I have also tried我也试过

<Button Content="Modifier" Command="{Binding ElementName=DataGrid, Path=DataContext.EditOrderCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding}" Style="{StaticResource PrimaryButton}"/>

There is no error but my Command is not runned and my command is working if i move the Button outside the DataGrid..没有错误,但我的命令没有运行,如果我将按钮移到 DataGrid 之外,我的命令正在工作。

The DataGridTemplateColumn DataContext is the ProviderOrder object and so i need to access of the ViewModel (which is obviously not accessible from the ProviderOrder object) DataGridTemplateColumn DataContext 是 ProviderOrder object ,所以我需要访问 ViewModel (显然不能从 ProviderOrder 对象访问)

Thanks in advance:)提前致谢:)

Great question, this known issue in DataGrid control.很好的问题, DataGrid控件中的这个已知问题。 Currently, there is a workaroung for this scenario that bind command for button in CellTemplate , please add the command in the datasouce.目前,此方案有一个解决方法,即在CellTemplate中为按钮绑定命令,请在数据源中添加该命令。

public class Item
    public string ID { get; set; }
    public ICommand BtnCommand
            return new CommadEventHandler<Item>((s) => BtnClick(s));

    private void BtnClick(Item s)


Xaml Code Xaml 代码

                Command="{Binding BtnCommand}"


If not specific DataGrid , you could use listview to replace, and Binding ElementName will work.如果不是特定的DataGrid ,您可以使用 listview 替换,并且Binding ElementName将起作用。

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