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如何创建一个表,其中第一个表中的行也匹配 R 中第二个表的行中的 3 列

[英]How do I create a table with rows from a first table that also matches 3 columns in the row of a second table in R

I need to create a third table (df3) with the rows of a first table (df1) that match the row values of three of the 5 columns in a second table (df2).我需要创建第三个表 (df3),其中第一个表 (df1) 的行与第二个表 (df2) 中 5 列中的三个的行值匹配。 Two starting tables df1 and df2 do not have the same number of rows.两个起始表 df1 和 df2 的行数不同。


              df1                                                  df2 
chain   freq   color  length  type1  type2       chain   freq    color  length  type1  type2
AC       24     red    100      C      V2         BD      45      blue   73      C      G5
BD       57     green   87      C      G5         YJ      57      green  78      N      Y6
OP       83     yellow  68      R      Q9         TP       8      orange 98      Y      P2
TP       28     blue    74      Y      P2         HP      50      white  87      A      U9
HP       23     yellow  39      A      U9         ZS      87      red    98      P      N8
                                                  XC       8      green  98      T      N8

The resulting table has rows that are in df1 that match the columns chain , type1 , and type2 in df2.生成的表在 df1 中具有与 df2 中的列chaintype1type2匹配的行。 In this example it would look like this:在此示例中,它看起来像这样:

chain   freq    color  length  type1  type2
BD       57     green   87      C      G5
TP       28     blue    74      Y      P2
HP       23     yellow  39      A      U9

I'm trying to do this avoiding loops as much as possible.我正在尝试尽可能避免循环。 I've been looking through the dplyr functions, but I'm not quite familiar with the package yet.我一直在查看 dplyr 功能,但我对 package 还不太熟悉。 Any thoughts are appreciated.任何想法表示赞赏。

We could use semi_join我们可以使用semi_join

semi_join(df1, df2, by = c('chain', 'type1', 'type2'))
#   chain freq  color length type1 type2
#1    BD   57  green     87     C    G5
#2    TP   28   blue     74     Y    P2
#3    HP   23 yellow     39     A    U9


df1 <- structure(list(chain = c("AC", "BD", "OP", "TP", "HP"), freq = c(24L, 
57L, 83L, 28L, 23L), color = c("red", "green", "yellow", "blue", 
"yellow"), length = c(100L, 87L, 68L, 74L, 39L), type1 = c("C", 
"C", "R", "Y", "A"), type2 = c("V2", "G5", "Q9", "P2", "U9")), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 

df2 <- structure(list(chain = c("BD", "YJ", "TP", "HP", "ZS", "XC"), 
    freq = c(45L, 57L, 8L, 50L, 87L, 8L), color = c("blue", "green", 
    "orange", "white", "red", "green"), length = c(73L, 78L, 
    98L, 87L, 98L, 98L), type1 = c("C", "N", "Y", "A", "P", "T"
    ), type2 = c("G5", "Y6", "P2", "U9", "N8", "N8")), 
    class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 


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