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在子 class 中扩展时如何调用父 class 函数

[英]How to call parent class functions when extending in child class

Below is my sample code given下面是我给出的示例代码

Class A {
    function SelectRecord()
        echo "class A - SelectRecord ";
    function DeleteRecord()
        echo "class A - DeleteRecord ";

Class B extends a {
    function SelectRecord()
        echo "class B - SelectRecord ";
    function DeleteRecord()
        echo "class B - DeleteRecord ";

$objB = new B();

Output I get is Output 我得到的是

class B - DeleteRecord 
class A - SelectRecord 
class B - SelectRecord

How can I call the class A DeleteRecord method in class A itself when extending in Class B. When I tried to call from Class A it calls the Class B DeleteRecord method. How can I call the class A DeleteRecord method in class A itself when extending in Class B. When I tried to call from Class A it calls the Class B DeleteRecord method. When I use self::DeleteRecord.当我使用 self::DeleteRecord。 It works fine.它工作正常。 But when to $this and Self.但是什么时候 $this 和 Self. Shall I replace $this to Self wherever it comes?我应该将 $this 替换为 Self 吗?

You can specify the exact class for the method that is being called:您可以为正在调用的方法指定确切的 class:

    Class A {
        function SelectRecord()
            echo "class A - SelectRecord ";
        function DeleteRecord()
            echo "class A - DeleteRecord ";

    Class B extends a {
        function SelectRecord()
            echo "class B - SelectRecord ";
        function DeleteRecord()
            echo "class B - DeleteRecord ";

    $objB = new B();


class A - DeleteRecord 
class A - SelectRecord 
class B - SelectRecord 

Explanation and further reading:解释和延伸阅读:

The mechanism that causes the derived class`s method to be invoked is called virtual method .导致调用派生类方法的机制称为虚拟方法 It is used to facilitate polymorphism .它用于促进 多态性 All methods in PHP are virtual by default. PHP 中的所有方法默认都是虚拟的。 You can prevent method from being overrided marking it by keyword 'final'.您可以通过关键字“final”来防止方法被覆盖标记它。

As I understand your classes are not trying to solve any practical problem and this is just a language learning exercises.据我了解,你们的课程并没有试图解决任何实际问题,这只是一个语言学习练习。 There is a great guide on using inheritance in Joshua Bloch's Effective Java :在 Joshua Bloch 的有效 Java中有一个关于使用 inheritance 的很好的指南:

Inheritance is appropriate only in circumstances where the subclass really is a subtype of the superclass. Inheritance 仅适用于子类确实是超类的子类型的情况。 In other words, a class B should extend a class A only if an “is-a” relationship exists between the two classes.换句话说,只有当两个类之间存在“is-a”关系时,class B 才应该扩展 class A。 If you are tempted to have a class B extend a class A, ask yourself the question: Is every B really an A?如果您想拥有一个 class B 扩展一个 class A,问自己一个问题:每个 B 真的都是 A 吗? If you cannot truthfully answer yes to this question, B should not extend A. If the answer is no, it is often the case that B should contain a private instance of A and expose a smaller and simpler API: A is not an essential part of B, merely a detail of its implementation.如果你不能如实回答这个问题,B不应该扩展A。如果答案是否定的,通常情况下B应该包含A的私有实例并暴露一个更小更简单的API:A不是必不可少的部分B,只是其实现的一个细节。

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