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[英]How to filter an Array with Checkboxes items?

I want to filter my checkboxes I search it on internet there was information but I couldn't work it with my code.我想过滤我的复选框我在互联网上搜索它有信息但我无法使用我的代码。

This is the webpage这是网页在此处输入图像描述

I want when you click on the checkbox it must be same as the category.我希望当您单击复选框时,它必须与类别相同。

This is some code of the checkbox:这是复选框的一些代码:

  <input class="form-check-input checkboxMargin" type="checkbox" value="All" v-model="selectedCategory">
  <p class="form-check-label checkboxMargin">All</p>

This is my grey box layout:这是我的灰盒布局:

<div class="col-sm-12 col-md-7">
        <div class="card rounded-circle mt-5" v-for="item of items" :key="item['.key']">
            <div class="card-body defaultGrey">
              <h5 class="card-title font-weight-bold">{{ item.name }}</h5>
              <div class="row mb-2">
                <div class="col-sm ">
                  <div class="row ml-0"><h6 class="font-weight-bold">Job:</h6><h6 class="ml-1">{{ item.job }}</h6></div>
                  <div class="row ml-0"><h6 class="font-weight-bold">Category:</h6><h6 class="ml-1">{{ item.categories }}</h6></div>
                  <div class="row ml-0"><h6 class="font-weight-bold">Location:</h6><h6 class="ml-1">{{ item.location }}</h6></div>
                  <div class="row ml-0"><h6 class="font-weight-bold">Niveau:</h6><h6 class="ml-1">{{ item.niveau }}</h6></div>
                  <div class="row ml-0"><h6 class="font-weight-bold">Availability:</h6><h6 class="ml-1">{{ item.availability }}</h6></div>
                  <h6>{{ item.info }}</h6>
                  <div class="row ml-0"><h6 class="font-weight-bold">Posted:</h6><h6 class="ml-1">{{ item.user }}</h6></div>
              <div class="row">
                <div class="col-xs-1 ml-3" v-if="isLoggedIn">
                  <router-link :to="{ name: 'InternshipDetails', params: {id: item['.key']} }" class="btn bg-info editbtn">

                <div class="col-xs-1 ml-3 mr-3" v-if="isLoggedIn && item.user == currentUser">
                  <router-link :to="{ name: 'Edit', params: {id: item['.key']} }" class="btn btn-warning editbtn">

                <div class="col-xs-1" v-if="isLoggedIn && item.user == currentUser">
                  <button @click="deleteItem(item['.key'])" class="btn btn-danger dltbtn">Delete</button>

And I have my object here but how can I filter my grey boxes with category:我在这里有我的 object 但是我如何用类别过滤我的灰色框:

selectedCategory: []

You need to create one-way binding between your CategoryCheckBox component and your ListCard component.您需要在CategoryCheckBox组件和ListCard组件之间创建one-way绑定。

Because you provided separated code when I can not reproduce it to give you a solution based on your own, I suggest this example to explain my solution.因为当我无法重现它时您提供了单独的代码以根据您自己的解决方案为您提供解决方案,所以我建议使用此示例来解释我的解决方案。

Step One:第一步:

You have many ways to CRUD your items using a Plugins or Vuex or global instance , in my example I used global instance in main.js您有很多方法可以使用插件Vuex全局实例对您的items进行 CRUD,在我的示例中,我在main.js中使用了全局实例

Vue.prototype.$myArray = ["Books", "Magazines", "Newspaper"];

I assume you created your items data in the ListCards component我假设您在ListCards组件中创建了您的items数据

Step Two:第二步:

You need to add @change event in your checkbox to handle checked and unchecked states.您需要在checkbox中添加@change事件来处理checkedunchecked状态。 I used static data (Book) for value .我使用 static 数据(书籍)作为value

<input type="checkbox" value="Books" @change="handleCategory($event)" /> Books

Now, let's implement handleCategory method, but before that, as we know that Checkbox and ListCards are independents which means we need to define a bus to create event communication between them and this is your issue so we define the bus inside the main.js现在,让我们实现handleCategory方法,但在此之前,我们知道CheckboxListCards是独立的,这意味着我们需要定义bus来创建它们之间的event通信,这是您的问题,所以我们在main.js中定义bus

Vue.prototype.$bus = new Vue({});

Now we define handleCategory like this:现在我们像这样定义handleCategory

methods: {
    handleCategory(e) {
      this.$bus.$emit("checkCategory", e);

Step Three:第三步:

How can our ListCards listen to this event ?我们的ListCards如何监听这个event

By call $bus.$on(..) when the component is created ( Hope you know what Vue lifecycle methods mean )通过在created组件时调用$bus.$on(..) (希望您知道 Vue 生命周期方法的含义)

created() {
    this.$bus.$on("checkCategory", e => this.checkCategory(e));

When the user click the check box the component runs handleCategory then runs checkCategory inside ListCard .当用户单击复选框时,组件运行handleCategory然后在ListCard checkCategory

Inside my ListCard, I have categories and originalCategories as data在我的 ListCard 中,我有categoriesoriginalCategories作为数据

 data() {
    return {
      categories: this.$myArray,
      originalCategories: this.$myArray

and a template:和一个模板:

<ul v-for="(category,index) in categories" :key="index">
      <CategoryItem :categoryName="category" />

and a created method ( lifecycle )和一个created的方法(生命周期)

 created() {
    // $bus is a global object to communicate between components
    this.$bus.$on("checkCategory", e => this.checkCategory(e));

and our filtering methods:和我们的过滤方法:

 methods: {
    checkCategory(e) {
      let target = e.target;
      let value = e.target.value;

        ? this.filterCatergories(value)
        : (this.categories = this.originalCategories);
    filterCatergories(value) {
      this.categories = this.categories.filter(val => val === value);

What's important for you is:对你来说重要的是:

this.categories.filter(val => val === value); //will not do nothing
const categories=this.categories.filter(val => val === value); //will update the view.

And you can change the code or make it better and simple.您可以更改代码或使其更好更简单。

@Update @更新

You can also use computed properties but because we have a parameter here which is the category name we need get and set .您也可以使用计算属性,但是因为我们这里有一个参数,它是我们需要getset的类别名称。

  computed: {
    filteredItems: {
      get: function() {
        if (this.selectedCategory.length == 0) return this.items;
        return this.items.filter(value => {
          for (const category of this.selectedCategory) {
            if (value == category) return value;
      set: function(category) {
  methods: {
    checkCategory(e) {
      let target = e.target;
      let value = e.target.value;

        ? (this.filteredItems = value)
        : this.selectedCategory.pop(value);

Use computed properties:使用计算属性:

computed: {
      if(this.selectedCategory.length == 0) return this.items;
      return this.items.filter(el => {
         for(let i = 0; i < this.selectedCategory.length; i++){
            if(el.categories == this.selectedCategory[i]) return el;


Then you go for v-for="item of filteredItems"然后你 go for v-for="item of filteredItems"

I didnt tested it.我没有测试它。 If you provide me more code i could help you more如果您提供更多代码,我可以为您提供更多帮助

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