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使用 stargazer 拆分不同表格列中的系数

[英]Split coefficients in different table columns with stargazer

My model output features 32 coefficients.我的 model output 具有 32 个系数。 I want them displayed all in one table and came up with the idea to show 16 coeffients in one column respectively with their inherent estimates and p-values.我希望它们全部显示在一张表中,并想出在一列中分别显示 16 个系数及其固有估计值和 p 值的想法。 Is there any way to slice the model output or tell stargazer to split the output into different columns?有没有办法将 model output 或告诉 stargazer 将 output 分成不同的列?

poisson_model <- 
      goals = database_mr$goals_team_home,
      team = database_mr$club_name_home,
      home=0)) %>%

  glm(goals ~ home + team +opponent, family=poisson(link=log),data=.)

                              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)                    0.75216    0.22805   3.298 0.000973 ***
home                           0.24096    0.07588   3.176 0.001495 ** 
teamAdler Weseke II           -1.04748    0.24868  -4.212 2.53e-05 ***
teamBVH Dorsten               -0.28911    0.19946  -1.449 0.147200    
teamFC RW Dorsten             -0.87653    0.23168  -3.783 0.000155 ***
teamFenerbahce I. Marl        -0.56356    0.20580  -2.738 0.006175 ** 
teamSC Marl-Hamm              -0.14523    0.19169  -0.758 0.448688    
teamSC Reken II               -0.40481    0.20569  -1.968 0.049057 *  
teamSV Altendorf-Ulfkotte     -1.25184    0.27720  -4.516 6.30e-06 ***
teamSV Lembeck                -0.21607    0.19568  -1.104 0.269518    
teamSV Schermbeck II          -0.16674    0.18600  -0.896 0.370028    
teamTSV Raesfeld               0.02094    0.17866   0.117 0.906682    
teamTuS 05 Sinsen II          -0.90159    0.24070  -3.746 0.000180 ***
teamTuS Gahlen                -0.26630    0.19142  -1.391 0.164171    
teamTuS Velen                 -0.40946    0.20151  -2.032 0.042159 *  
teamVfL Ramsdorf               0.07215    0.17726   0.407 0.683973    
teamWestfalia Gemen II        -0.55929    0.20990  -2.665 0.007709 ** 
opponentAdler Weseke II        0.59518    0.21831   2.726 0.006405 ** 
opponentBVH Dorsten            0.05072    0.25027   0.203 0.839389    
opponentFC RW Dorsten          0.17760    0.23700   0.749 0.453647    
opponentFenerbahce I. Marl     0.10922    0.24428   0.447 0.654802    
opponentSC Marl-Hamm           0.50746    0.22592   2.246 0.024691 *  
opponentSC Reken II            0.69698    0.21994   3.169 0.001530 ** 
opponentSV Altendorf-Ulfkotte  1.08930    0.20466   5.322 1.02e-07 ***
opponentSV Lembeck             0.35564    0.22962   1.549 0.121428    
opponentSV Schermbeck II      -0.26666    0.27163  -0.982 0.326254    
opponentTSV Raesfeld          -0.08465    0.25771  -0.328 0.742563    
opponentTuS 05 Sinsen II       0.58102    0.21870   2.657 0.007891 ** 
opponentTuS Gahlen            -0.81158    0.31450  -2.581 0.009865 ** 
opponentTuS Velen              0.28034    0.23333   1.201 0.229578    
opponentVfL Ramsdorf          -0.43481    0.28270  -1.538 0.124030    
opponentWestfalia Gemen II     0.59072    0.22016   2.683 0.007293 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Using your data:使用您的数据:


d <- readr::read_rds( "database_match_results_1920.rds") 
d <- 
      goals = database_mr$goals_team_home,
      team = database_mr$club_name_home,

# create a fake model
# note that team needs to include all of your factors
fake <- lm(goals ~ home + team , d)
# rename the coefficients
names(fake$coefficients) <- gsub("team","",names(fake$coefficients))

m <- glm(goals ~ home + team +opponent, family=poisson(link=log),data=d)
m.s <- summary(m)

## write a function that fixes the names in the glm output
f <- function(x){
  names(x) <- gsub("team|opponent","", names(x))

          # coefficients
          coef = list(
            f( m.s$coefficients[grepl("Intercept|home|team", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 1]),
            f( m.s$coefficients[grepl("opponent", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 1])
          # standard errors
          se = list(
            f( m.s$coefficients[grepl("Intercept|home|team", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 2]),
            f( m.s$coefficients[grepl("opponent", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 2])
          column.labels = c("team", "opponent"),
          # calculate pvalue using supplied coeff and se
          t.auto = T,
          out = "stargazer_data.html",
          type = "html")

With 3 columns:有 3 列:

          # coefficients
          coef = list(
            f( m.s$coefficients[grepl("Intercept|home", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 1]),
            f( m.s$coefficients[grepl("team", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 1]),
            f( m.s$coefficients[grepl("opponent", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 1])
          # standard errors
          se = list(
            f( m.s$coefficients[grepl("Intercept|home", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 2]),
            f( m.s$coefficients[grepl("team", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 2]),
            f( m.s$coefficients[grepl("opponent", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 2])
          column.labels = c("control","team", "opponent"),
          # calculate pvalue using supplied coeff and se
          t.auto = T,
          out = "stargazer_data.html",
          type = "html")

Stargazer gives you the option to manually supply a list of coefficients and respective standard errors. Stargazer 为您提供手动提供系数列表和相应标准误差的选项。 You can "trick" stargazer with passing in two models, and then manually pass the coefficients.您可以通过传入两个模型来“欺骗”观星者,然后手动传递系数。 This works out well because stargazer matches coefficients of different models by name.这很有效,因为 stargazer 按名称匹配不同模型的系数。 The downside is that you need to run a "fake regression", and you need to adjust obs, rsquared etc. However, you can easily extract the required information and add it to the table with add.lines.缺点是您需要运行“假回归”,并且需要调整 obs、rsquared 等。但是,您可以轻松提取所需信息并使用 add.lines 将其添加到表中。

This is the end result of running a regression with binary indicators for home and opposite team, and reporting the coefficients in two columns:这是对主队和对方球队使用二元指标进行回归并在两列中报告系数的最终结果:




# generate some data
d <- data.frame(score=rpois(1000,1),
                   home=sample(letters[1:10],1000,replace=T ),
                   opp=sample(letters[1:10],1000,replace=T ))
       score home opp
1:     2    c   g
2:     1    j   g
3:     0    e   f
4:     1    f   j
5:     0    d   i
6:     1    d   f

# create a fake model
# note that home needs to include all of your factors
fake <- lm(score ~ home - 1, d)
# rename the coefficients
names(fake$coefficients) <- gsub("home","",names(fake$coefficients))

# run your regression 
m <- glm(score ~ home + opp - 1, d, family=poisson(link=log) )
glm(formula = score ~ home + opp - 1, family = poisson(link = log), 
    data = d)

Deviance Residuals: 
     Min        1Q    Median        3Q       Max  
-1.68446  -1.36736  -0.00948   0.60121   2.85408  

        Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)  
homea  0.0286251  0.1407933   0.203   0.8389  
homeb -0.1563594  0.1352870  -1.156   0.2478  
homec -0.0673791  0.1378263  -0.489   0.6249  
homed -0.0425058  0.1383590  -0.307   0.7587  
homee -0.0612811  0.1463620  -0.419   0.6754  
homef -0.0028756  0.1407210  -0.020   0.9837  
homeg -0.0263096  0.1419598  -0.185   0.8530  
homeh -0.0421442  0.1371384  -0.307   0.7586  
homei  0.0871397  0.1382671   0.630   0.5285  
homej -0.0650161  0.1354183  -0.480   0.6311  
oppb  -0.0102711  0.1459574  -0.070   0.9439  
oppc   0.2625987  0.1426320   1.841   0.0656 .
oppd   0.1465768  0.1417666   1.034   0.3012  
oppe   0.0123358  0.1384327   0.089   0.9290  
oppf  -0.0007423  0.1381802  -0.005   0.9957  
oppg  -0.0035419  0.1481746  -0.024   0.9809  
opph   0.0852252  0.1378236   0.618   0.5363  
oppi  -0.0695733  0.1474909  -0.472   0.6371  
oppj  -0.0577961  0.1478874  -0.391   0.6959  
Signif. codes:  0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

(Dispersion parameter for poisson family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 1124.6  on 1000  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 1111.8  on  981  degrees of freedom
AIC: 2624.1

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 5
m.s <- summary(m)

## write a function that fixes the names in the glm output
f <- function(x){
  names(x) <- gsub("home|opp","", names(x))

# now you can retrieve variables according to the prefix
m.s$coefficients[grepl("home", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 1]
       homeb        homec        homed        homee        homef        homeg        homeh        homei        homej 
-0.008070675  0.287148469 -0.043331430  0.047798075  0.005438897  0.261008373  0.134444746  0.083937955  0.113310674 

          # coefficients
          coef = list(
            f( m.s$coefficients[grepl("home", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 1]),
            f( m.s$coefficients[grepl("opp", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 1])
          # standard errors
          se = list(
            f( m.s$coefficients[grepl("home", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 2]),
            f( m.s$coefficients[grepl("opp", rownames(m.s$coefficients)), 2])
          column.labels = c("home", "opp"),
          # calculate pvalue using supplied coeff and se
          t.auto = T,
          out = "stargazer_d.html",
          type = "html")

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