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JavaScript ES6 - 如何在 Promise.All 中结合 promise 方法?

[英]JavaScript ES6 - How to combine promise methods in Promise.All?

I have two promise methods, first one is GetInitialData which would run only once, also an Int array of 10 id called ids and second method GetStudentName which would be executed on each student id.我有两个 promise 方法,第一个是GetInitialData ,它只会运行一次,还有一个名为ids的 10 个 id 的 Int 数组和第二个方法GetStudentName ,它将在每个学生 id 上执行。 Now I would like to combine all 11 methods (method 1 + 10 * method 2) in Promise.All, how could I write the code which would combine the GetInitialData along with 10 instances of GetStudentName into an array inside Promise.All, something like below?现在我想在 Promise.All 中组合所有 11 种方法(方法 1 + 10 * 方法 2),我如何编写代码将 GetInitialData 与GetInitialData的 10 个实例组合到GetStudentName中的数组中,类似于以下?

Promise.All([GetInitialData + IDs.map(Id => GetStudentName(Id)]);

you are on the right path:你在正确的道路上:

  // you need to spread this one as it is an array of promises:
  ...ids.map(id => getStudentName(id),

Here is a demo:这是一个演示:
all async functions are replaced with promises that resolves within a random time所有异步函数都被替换为在随机时间内解决的承诺

 const fnPromise = () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => resolve(), Math.round(Math.random() * 1000)) ); let i = 0; async function getInitialData() { await fnPromise(); return i++; } async function getStudentName() { await fnPromise(); return i++; } const ids = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; async function init() { $("#console").html('Please wait...'); const allResolved = await Promise.all([ getInitialData(), ...ids.map(() => getStudentName()), ]); // console.log(JSON.stringify(allResolved, null, 2)) $("#console").html(`[${allResolved.join(', ')}]`) } init()
 body { background: #333; color: #fff; font-size:2rem; }
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <pre id='console'></pre>

const getOne = async () => 1; const getTwo = async () => 2; (async () => { const [one, two] = await Promise.all([getOne(), getTwo()]); console.log(one); console.log(two); })().then(undefined); // 1 // 2

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