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为 integer output 上色 python

[英]Color the integer output in color python

I have the bellow script which works fine, I only want to make The running sum is: integer output to be colored.我有下面的脚本可以正常工作,我只想制作The running sum is: integer output 要着色。

I have defined the class style which i am trying to use.我已经定义了我正在尝试使用的 class style


# cat calc_running_sum.py
import os    

# Group of Different functions for different styles
class style():
    BLACK = '\033[30m'
    RED = '\033[31m'
    GREEN = '\033[32m'
    YELLOW = '\033[33m'
    BLUE = '\033[34m'
    MAGENTA = '\033[35m'
    CYAN = '\033[36m'
    WHITE = '\033[37m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
    RESET = '\033[0m'
def running_sum(n):
    running_sum = 0
    for k in range(n):
        running_sum += k
    print(f'{"The running sum is: "} { running_sum }')
    # print( stlye.RED + f'{"The running sum is: "} { running_sum }')  < - this makes entire output RED

if __name__ == "__main__":
    running_sum(int(input("Enter an integer: ")))

Script Output:脚本 Output:

# ./calc_running_sum.py
Enter an integer: 15
The running sum is:  105

In the above script 105 is the output which i want to printed in red color.在上面的脚本105中是 output 我想用红色打印。

You can add codes in different places in string您可以在字符串的不同位置添加代码

print(f'The running sum is: {style.RED}{ running_sum }{style.RESET}')

The same without f-string没有f-string也一样

print('The running sum is:', style.RED, running_sum, style.RESET)

The same with format()format()相同

print('The running sum is: {}{}{}'.format(style.RED, running_sum, style.RESET))

You can use different colors in the same string - ie.您可以在同一字符串中使用不同的 colors - 即。 green text and red sum绿色文本和红色总和

print(f'{style.GREEN}The running sum is: {style.RED}{ running_sum }{style.RESET}')

If you don't use {style.RESET} then text in all next print() will be also red如果你不使用{style.RESET}那么所有 next print()中的文本也将是红色的

print(f'The running sum is: {style.RED}{ running_sum }')
print('This text is still red')
print('And this text is also red')

You can use use it also in input()您也可以在input()中使用它

Red text and normal value entered by user用户输入的红色文本和正常值

input(f"{style.RED}Enter an integer:{style.RESET} ")

Red text and green value entered by user用户输入的红色文本和绿色值

input(f"{style.RED}Enter an integer:{style.GREEN} ")

But after that you may have to print style.RESET (without '\n') to get again normal color in next strings.但在那之后,您可能必须打印style.RESET (不带 '\n')才能在下一个字符串中再次获得正常颜色。

input(f"{style.RED}Enter an integer:{style.GREEN} ")
print(style.RESET, end="") 

You can also assign color to variable to display wrong value on red and good value on green您还可以为变量分配颜色以在红色上显示错误值,在绿色上显示良好值

if n >= 0:
    color = style.GREEN 
    color = style.RED

print(f"Value: {color}{n}{style.RESET}")
#print("Value: {}{}{}".format(color, n, style.RESET))

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