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我可以在哪里指定 AWS FARGATE ECS 中的卷

[英]Where can I specify Volumes in AWS FARGATE ECS

I have below data with me -我有以下数据-

    image: minio/minio:latest
    #  - '9000:9000'
      - ./data/storage:/data
      MINIO_ACCESS_KEY: minio
      MINIO_SECRET_KEY: minio123
    command: server /data
      test: ["CMD", "curl", "-f", "http://localhost:9000/minio/health/live"]
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 20s
      retries: 3
    restart: always

I want to manually create task definition in FARGATE ECS and then add containers in it.[No Coding] Where can I specify volumes specified above inside containers?我想在 FARGATE ECS 中手动创建任务定义,然后在其中添加容器。[No Coding] 我在哪里可以指定上面指定的容器内的卷?

To answer your query specific to volumes, you would have to specify the volumes in a task definition which is used to run a task in AWS Fargate.要回答特定于卷的查询,您必须在任务定义中指定卷,该任务定义用于在 AWS Fargate 中运行任务。 You can have a look at this documentation .你可以看看这个文档 This also lists the limitation when it comes to storage in AWS Fargate.这还列出了 AWS Fargate 中的存储限制。 AWS Fargate does not support any way to have persistent storage except EFS which was launched recently.除了最近推出的 EFS,AWS Fargate 不支持任何持久存储方式。

If your use case allows EFS check out this blog which demonstrates Amazon Elastic Container Service & AWS Fargate, now support Amazon Elastic File System如果您的用例允许 EFS,请查看此博客,该博客演示了Amazon Elastic Container Service 和 AWS Fargate,现在支持 Amazon Elastic File System

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