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.NET 核心 - Novell LDAP/AD - 组搜索他所属的用户 - 有人让它工作吗?

[英].NET Core - Novell LDAP/AD - Group search for a user that he belongs to - Has anybody made it work?

My code given below is working well while searching groups for a user, but the problem is it returns only one group.下面给出的代码在为用户搜索组时运行良好,但问题是它只返回一个组。 My goal is to get all groups the user belongs to.我的目标是获取用户所属的所有组。 How can I get rid of this problem?我怎样才能摆脱这个问题? Any help will be much appreciated.任何帮助都感激不尽。

LdapSearchResults lsc = (LdapSearchResults)ldapCon.Search(                    
    "(sAMAccountName=" + Username + ")",

while (lsc.HasMore())
        var nextEntry = lsc.Next();                            

        adGroups.Add(new ADUserSecurityGroupModel { 
            member = nextEntry.GetAttribute("memberOf").StringValue,
            distinguishedName = nextEntry.GetAttribute("sAMAccountName").StringValue 
    catch (LdapException ex)
        Console.WriteLine("Error: " + ex.ToString());

After some research and study finally I have got a solution regarding the problem posted here.经过一番研究和研究,我终于找到了关于这里发布的问题的解决方案。 This workaround is enough to meet the requirement.此解决方法足以满足要求。

LdapSearchResults lsc = (LdapSearchResults)ldapCon.Search(
"(&(objectClass=group)(member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=" + UserFullName + 
",OU=Company Name,DC=adl,DC=local))",

while (lsc.HasMore())  
  LdapEntry nextEntry = null;
      nextEntry = lsc.Next();
  adGroups.Add(new ADUserSecurityGroupModel { cn = 
  nextEntry.GetAttribute("cn").StringValue });

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