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深度 Q 学习**没有** OpenAI Gym

[英]Deep Q Learning **WITHOUT** OpenAI Gym

Does anyone have or know of any tutorials / courses that teach q learning without the use of open ai gym.有没有人拥有或知道任何无需使用开放式人工智能健身房即可教授 q 学习的教程/课程。 I'm trying to make a convolutional q learning model and I have no problem doing this with pytorch and open ai gym, easy, but when I try and apply it all to an environment that isn't in open ai gym its a whole different story.我正在尝试进行卷积 q 学习 model,使用 pytorch 和 open ai gym 执行此操作没有问题,很简单,但是当我尝试将其全部应用于不在 open ai gym 中的环境时,它完全不同故事。 trying to apply this to other games that aren't Atari so I don't have access to the env,reset and all those other nice options.试图将此应用到其他不是 Atari 的游戏,所以我无法访问 env、reset 和所有其他不错的选项。 it becomes a whole new ball game.它变成了一个全新的球类游戏。 If someone knows of a place to learn this or who is willing to teach me / help me with it I am more than willing to pay for any help as well.如果有人知道可以学习这个的地方或者愿意教我/帮助我的人,我也非常愿意为任何帮助付费。 Thanks.谢谢。

If you want to make deep learning algorithms work for games, you can actually use openai gym for that!如果你想让深度学习算法适用于游戏,你实际上可以使用 openai gym!

The workaround解决方法

You can use from PIL import ImageGrab to take a screenshot, and control the game using pyautogui Then load it with opencv , and convert it to a greyscale image.你可以使用from PIL import ImageGrab截取屏幕截图,并使用 pyautogui 控制游戏,然后使用pyautogui加载它, opencv其转换为灰度图像。 Then you can use this code for the Q-Learning:然后您可以将此代码用于 Q-Learning:

# imports for DQNAgent
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense, Dropout, Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Activation, Flatten
from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import Adam
from keras.callbacks import TensorBoard
import tensorflow as tf
from collections import deque
import time
import random
import os

# Hide GPU from visible devices 
# (If you don't have a GPU, uncomment the next line)
#tf.config.set_visible_devices([], 'GPU')

REPLAY_MEMORY_SIZE = 50_000  # How many last steps to keep for model training
MIN_REPLAY_MEMORY_SIZE = 1_000  # Minimum number of steps in a memory to start training
MINIBATCH_SIZE = 64  # How many steps (samples) to use for training
UPDATE_TARGET_EVERY = 5  # Terminal states (end of episodes)

# Exploration settings
ELIPSON_DECAY = 0.999988877665
MIN_EPSILON = 0.0001

# For stats
ep_rewards = [-200]

# For more repetitive results

# Memory fraction, used mostly when training multiple agents
#gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=MEMORY_FRACTION)

# Create models folder
if not os.path.isdir('models'):

# Own Tensorboard class
class ModifiedTensorBoard(TensorBoard):

    # Overriding init to set initial step and writer (we want one log file for all .fit() calls)
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.step = 1
        self.writer = tf.summary.create_file_writer(self.log_dir)

    # Overriding this method to stop creating default log writer
    def set_model(self, model):

    # Overrided, saves logs with our step number
    # (otherwise every .fit() will start writing from 0th step)
    def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None):

    # Overrided
    # We train for one batch only, no need to save anything at epoch end
    def on_batch_end(self, batch, logs=None):

    # Overrided, so won't close writer
    def on_train_end(self, _):

    # Custom method for saving own metrics
    # Creates writer, writes custom metrics and closes writer
    def update_stats(self, **stats):
        self._write_logs(stats, self.step)

# Agent class
class DQNAgent:
    def __init__(self, env):
        self.env = env

        # Main model
        self.model = self.create_model()

        # Target network
        self.target_model = self.create_model()

        # An array with last n steps for training
        self.replay_memory = deque(maxlen=REPLAY_MEMORY_SIZE)

        # Custom tensorboard object
        self.tensorboard = ModifiedTensorBoard(log_dir="logs/{}-{}".format(MODEL_NAME, int(time.time())))

        # Used to count when to update target network with main network's weights
        self.target_update_counter = 0

    def create_model(self,):
        model = Sequential()

        observation_space = 60000, IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT, 1
        action_space = self.env.action_space.n

        model.add(Conv2D(32, (3, 3), activation='relu', input_shape=observation_space[1:]))
        model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))

        model.add(Conv2D(256, (3, 3)))
        model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)))

        model.add(Flatten())  # this converts our 3D feature maps to 1D feature vectors

        model.add(Dense(action_space, activation='linear'))  # ACTION_SPACE_SIZE = how many choices (9)
        model.compile(loss="mse", optimizer=Adam(lr=0.001), metrics=['accuracy'])
        return model

    # Adds step's data to a memory replay array
    # (observation space, action, reward, new observation space, done)
    def update_replay_memory(self, transition):

    # Trains main network every step during episode
    def train(self, terminal_state, step):

        # Start training only if certain number of samples is already saved
        if len(self.replay_memory) < MIN_REPLAY_MEMORY_SIZE:

        # Get a minibatch of random samples from memory replay table
        minibatch = random.sample(self.replay_memory, MINIBATCH_SIZE)

        # Get current states from minibatch, then query NN model for Q values
        current_states = np.array([transition[0] for transition in minibatch])/255
        current_qs_list = self.model.predict(current_states)

        # Get future states from minibatch, then query NN model for Q values
        # When using target network, query it, otherwise main network should be queried
        new_current_states = np.array([transition[3] for transition in minibatch])/255
        future_qs_list = self.target_model.predict(new_current_states)

        X = []
        y = []

        # Now we need to enumerate our batches
        for index, (current_state, action, reward, new_current_state, done) in enumerate(minibatch):

            # If not a terminal state, get new q from future states, otherwise set it to 0
            # almost like with Q Learning, but we use just part of equation here
            if not done:
                max_future_q = np.max(future_qs_list[index])
                new_q = reward + DISCOUNT * max_future_q
                new_q = reward

            # Update Q value for given state
            current_qs = current_qs_list[index]
            current_qs[action] = new_q

            # And append to our training data

        # Fit on all samples as one batch, log only on terminal state
        self.model.fit(np.array(X)/255, np.array(y), batch_size=MINIBATCH_SIZE, verbose=0, shuffle=False, callbacks=[self.tensorboard] if terminal_state else None)

        # Update target network counter every episode
        if terminal_state:
            self.target_update_counter += 1

        # If counter reaches set value, update target network with weights of main network
        if self.target_update_counter > UPDATE_TARGET_EVERY:
            self.target_update_counter = 0

    # Queries main network for Q values given current observation space (environment state)
    def get_qs(self, state):
        return self.model.predict(np.array(state).reshape(-1, *state.shape)/255)[0]

Dont't forget to replace IMAGE_WIDTH and IMAGE_HEIGHT!不要忘记替换 IMAGE_WIDTH 和 IMAGE_HEIGHT!

In your env.update function, take a screenshot, and update the replay memory of the agent with agent.update_replay_memory .在您的 env.update function 中,截屏,并使用 agent.update_replay_memory 更新代理的重播agent.update_replay_memory Then in the same function, use agent.train .然后在同一个 function 中,使用agent.train To get the next move of the agent, use agent.get_qs .要获取代理的下一步行动,请使用agent.get_qs

import random, time, gym, cv2
from PIL import ImageGrab
import pyautogui

class MyEnv(gym.Env):
    def __init__(self):

        self.observation_space = gym.Box()
        self.action_space = gym.Discrete(N_ACTIONS) #number of controls
        self.model = DQNAgent()
        self.previous_observation = None

    def step(self, action):
        # Conditional logic for what to do with actions
        # an example
        if action == 0:
            pyautogui.press('w') # Go forwards
            reward = 1
        shot = np.array(ImageGrab.grab(bbox=("""x, y, width, height of game window""")))
        gray = cv2.cvtColor(Screen, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
        if self.previous_observation is not None:
            self.model.update_replay_memory((self.previous_observation, action, reward, gray))

        self.prevoius_observation = gray

        # check if the player has lost, and call self.reset()

        return observation, action, reward, {}

    def reset(self):
        # reset the game (re-open it, or something like that)

env = MyEnv()
epsilon = 0.1
decay = 0.99998
min = 0.001
steps = 60000

# open the game here
# ...

for i in range(0, steps):
    if random.random() < epsilon:
        elipson *= decay

# close the game here
# ...

You can take a code of an environnement such as a game and then you implement your algorithms.您可以获取诸如游戏之类的环境代码,然后实现您的算法。

But think to be explicit in your code for the rewards and the actions.但是请考虑在您的代码中明确表示奖励和操作。 Return a reward for each action.为每个动作返回一个奖励。

If you want to start RL without Gym.如果你想在没有 Gym 的情况下开始 RL。 Try to do a simple game and implement NEAT algorithm.尝试做一个简单的游戏并实现 NEAT 算法。 And then try to implement Q-learning and modify your code to add a reward for each action.然后尝试实施 Q-learning 并修改您的代码,为每个动作添加奖励。

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