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将分配多少 memory 为 Arrays

[英]How much memory for Arrays will be allocated

I write a piece of code in c++ where I need to create Arrays.我在 c++ 中编写了一段代码,我需要在其中创建 Arrays。

Let us assume the length of array depends on some external factors(eg: numberOfStudents) which can vary.让我们假设数组的长度取决于一些可以变化的外部因素(例如:numberOfStudents)。

my code follows我的代码如下

typedef struct Student{
    //some attributes

if(numberOfStudents < 50)
  Student students[50];
 //some more code manipulating the array
else if(numberOfStudents > 50 && numberOfStudents < 200)
   Student students[200];
  //some more code manipulating the array
  Student students[1000];//assuming there cannot be more than 1000 students
  //some more code manipulating the array

clearly I created array at three places depending on some criteria.显然,我根据某些标准在三个地方创建了数组。

I want to know how much memory will be allocated.我想知道会分配多少 memory。 if numberOfStudents is very small, say 10, then will the other arrays in else if and else blocks also consume memory?如果numberOfStudents非常小,比如 10,那么else if和 else 块中的其他 arrays 也会消耗 memory 吗? in such a case will 50 blocks of memory be used for smallest array or will it result in 1000+200+50=1250 block of memory usage.在这种情况下,将 50 个 memory 块用于最小阵列,否则将导致 1000+200+50=1250 块 memory 使用。

My compiler is NOT c99 compliant.So, whenever i try creating dynamic length arrays,which I always preferred, I get compilation errors.我的编译器不符合 c99。所以,每当我尝试创建动态长度 arrays 时,我总是会遇到编译错误。

Also, I cannot use Vectors.另外,我不能使用向量。 For any suggestion, that why don't you use vector, I will say thanks.对于任何建议,您为什么不使用矢量,我会说谢谢。 But unfortunately I cannot use it as MISRA C does not allow the same.但不幸的是,我不能使用它,因为 MISRA C 不允许这样做。

To be noted, I am relatively new to C++.需要注意的是,我对 C++ 比较陌生。 Was a Java developer!曾是 Java 开发人员!

is very small, say 10, then will the other arrays in else if and else blocks also consume memory?非常小,比如 10,那么 else if 和 else 块中的其他 arrays 也会消耗 memory 吗?

No. The compiler will allocate stack space when entering a block, and deallocate stack space when leaving the block, so:不,编译器会在进入块时分配堆栈空间,并在离开块时释放堆栈空间,所以:

if(numberOfStudents < 50)
   // 50*sizeof(Student) bytes of stack space allocated at this point
   Student students[50];
   [... code executes here...]
   // 50*sizeof(Student) bytes of stack space deallocated at this point
else if(numberOfStudents > 50 && numberOfStudents < 200)
   // 200*sizeof(Student) bytes of stack space allocated at this point
   Student students[200];
   [... code executes here...]
   // 200*sizeof(Student) bytes of stack space deallocated at this point
   // 1000*sizeof(Student) bytes of stack space allocated at this point
   Student students[1000];//assuming there cannot be more than 1000 students.  
   [... code executes here...]
   // 1000*sizeof(Student) bytes of stack space allocated at this point

Blocks that are never entered will not have any effect on the amount of stack space allocated.从未进入的块不会对分配的堆栈空间量产生任何影响。

That said, if you want to properly support an arbitrary number of Students, you're probably better off using a std::vector<Student> , or if that's not allowed, you could fall back to heap-allocation instead (eg Student * students = new Student[numberOfStudents]; [...]; delete [] students; ).也就是说,如果您想正确支持任意数量的学生,最好使用std::vector<Student> ,或者如果不允许这样做,您可以改为使用堆分配(例如Student * students = new Student[numberOfStudents]; [...]; delete [] students; )。

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