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Spring 引导:数据源属性

[英]Spring Boot: Datasource properties

I have a confusion regarding datasource autoconfiguration in Spring-boot.我对 Spring-boot 中的数据源自动配置感到困惑。 From what I have read, we have to specify the datasource properties in the form spring.datasource.* .根据我的阅读,我们必须以spring.datasource.*的形式指定数据源属性。 But my application code works fine if I supply property name in the form SPRING_DATASOURCE_* .但是,如果我以SPRING_DATASOURCE_*形式提供属性名称,我的应用程序代码就可以正常工作。 Is there any reason that I am missing, due to which it works?有什么理由让我失踪,因为它有效吗? Please clarify.请说清楚。

I think You've come across a feature of spring boot called Relaxed Binding .我认为您已经遇到了 spring 引导的一项功能,称为Relaxed Binding

It allows using some "relaxed" rules for binding to ConfigurationProperties.它允许使用一些“宽松”的规则来绑定到 ConfigurationProperties。 So essentially both ways of definition have the same effect in your application.因此,本质上这两种定义方式在您的应用程序中具有相同的效果。

Here you can find a link to the relevant chapter in the official documentation 在这里你可以找到官方文档中相关章节的链接

Spring Boot has so-called Relaxed Binding https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/spring-boot-features.html#boot-features-external-config-relaxed-binding which allows you to define configuration in different ways: Spring引导具有所谓的宽松绑定允许您以不同的方式定义配置:

  • acme.my-project.person.first-name acme.myProject.person.firstName acme.my-project.person.first-name acme.myProject.person.firstName
  • acme.myProject.person.firstName acme.myProject.person.firstName
  • acme.my_project.person.first_name acme.my_project.person.first_name

The latter is often used when passed via environment variables.后者通常在通过环境变量传递时使用。

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